Just Dance Kids (2010)

by Nish
4 minutes read


Just Dance Kids: The Perfect Dance Party Game for Your Little Ones

Just Dance Kids is a dancing game designed specifically for kids, with simpler choreography and oh-so-punchable on-screen dancers for them to relate to. It’s a great way to get your kids moving and having fun, and it’s also a great way to introduce them to the world of dance.

The game features 40 kid-friendly songs, including popular hits like “YMCA” by the Village People, “Hot N Cold” by Katy Perry, and “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas. The choreography is simple and easy to follow, and the on-screen dancers are full of energy and personality.

Just Dance Kids is also a great way for kids to learn about different cultures. The game features songs from all over the world, including “Macarena” from Spain, “Ketchup Song” from Mexico, and “Chicken Dance” from Germany.


  • 40 kid-friendly songs
  • Simple and easy-to-follow choreography
  • Energetic and relatable on-screen dancers
  • A great way to get kids moving and having fun
  • A great way to introduce kids to the world of dance
  • A great way for kids to learn about different cultures


Just Dance Kids is played using the Wii Remote. Players hold the Wii Remote in their right hand and follow the on-screen prompts to dance. The game features four different difficulty levels, so kids of all ages can enjoy it.

The game can be played by up to four players at a time. Players can compete against each other or work together to score points.


The graphics in Just Dance Kids are bright and colorful. The on-screen dancers are full of energy and personality, and the backgrounds are varied and interesting.


The music in Just Dance Kids is catchy and upbeat. The songs are all kid-friendly and feature a variety of genres, including pop, rock, and hip-hop.


Just Dance Kids is a great dance party game for kids of all ages. It’s a great way to get kids moving and having fun, and it’s also a great way to introduce them to the world of dance.

Tips for Playing Just Dance Kids:

  • Start with the easier difficulty levels and work your way up as you get better at the game.
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Just keep dancing and having fun.
  • If you’re having trouble following the on-screen prompts, try turning on the “Show Dance Moves” option in the game settings.
  • Play with friends or family members for a more fun and interactive experience.
  • Just Dance Kids is a great way to get kids moving and having fun. So put on your dancing shoes and get ready to party!

Review Score



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