Ken’s Labyrinth (1993)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Ken’s Labyrinth: A SNES Classic

Ken’s Labyrinth is a side-scrolling platformer game developed and published by Kemco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). It was released in Japan in 1993 and in North America and Europe in 1994. The game follows Ken, a young boy who must rescue his dog, Sparky, from aliens.

Ken’s Labyrinth is a challenging and rewarding platformer that features a variety of levels, enemies, and bosses. Ken can use a variety of weapons and power-ups to defeat his enemies and progress through the game. The game also features a number of секреты, including hidden levels and items.


Ken’s Labyrinth is a side-scrolling platformer in which the player controls Ken as he runs, jumps, and shoots his way through a variety of levels. Ken can use a variety of weapons, including a blaster, a boomerang, and a flamethrower, to defeat his enemies. He can also collect power-ups that give him temporary abilities, such as invincibility and the ability to fly.

The game features a variety of levels, each with its own unique challenges. Some levels are set in caves, while others are set in forests, deserts, and even outer space. Each level is filled with enemies, traps, and puzzles. Ken must use his skills and abilities to overcome these challenges and progress through the game.

In addition to the main story mode, Ken’s Labyrinth also features a number of bonus levels and challenges. These challenges can be accessed by collecting секреты hidden throughout the game.


Ken’s Labyrinth tells the story of Ken, a young boy who must rescue his dog, Sparky, from aliens. Sparky has been kidnapped by aliens and taken to their spaceship. Ken follows the aliens to their spaceship and must fight his way through hordes of aliens to rescue Sparky.

Along the way, Ken meets a variety of characters who help him on his quest. He also learns about the aliens’ plans to conquer Earth. Ken must stop the aliens and rescue Sparky before it’s too late.

Graphics and Sound

Ken’s Labyrinth features colorful and detailed graphics. The game’s characters and environments are well-drawn and animated. The game also features a catchy soundtrack that helps to create a fun and exciting atmosphere.


Ken’s Labyrinth was a critical and commercial success. The game was praised for its challenging gameplay, variety of levels, and charming graphics. The game was also a commercial success, selling over one million copies worldwide.

Ken’s Labyrinth is considered to be one of the best platformers on the SNES. The game is still enjoyed by gamers today and is considered to be a classic.


Ken’s Labyrinth has had a lasting impact on the video game industry. The game’s challenging gameplay and variety of levels have inspired many other platformers. The game’s charming graphics and catchy soundtrack have also been praised by critics and gamers alike.

Ken’s Labyrinth is a classic platformer that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s challenging gameplay, variety of levels, and charming graphics make it a must-play for fans of the genre.

Tips for Playing Ken’s Labyrinth

Here are a few tips for playing Ken’s Labyrinth:

  • Use the right weapon for the job. Each weapon in Ken’s Labyrinth has its own strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to use the right weapon for the job at hand.
  • Use cover. Ken is vulnerable to enemy fire, so be sure to use cover to protect yourself.
  • Be careful of traps. There are a variety of traps in Ken’s Labyrinth, so be sure to watch your step.
  • Don’t give up. Ken’s Labyrinth is a challenging game, but don’t give up. With patience and perseverance, you can beat the game.


Ken’s Labyrinth is a classic platformer that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s challenging gameplay, variety of levels, and charming graphics make it a must-play for fans of the genre.

Review Score



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