Lifeline (2015)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Lifeline: A Text-Based Adventure with Heart


Lifeline is a unique and engrossing text-based adventure game that puts players in the role of a space traveler stranded on an alien planet. The game is played entirely through text messages, with players communicating with the protagonist, Taylor, and making choices that affect the story’s outcome.


Lifeline is a choose-your-own-adventure game, where players are presented with a series of text messages from Taylor. Each message provides information about Taylor’s situation and the challenges they are facing. Players must then choose how to respond, with each choice leading to a different outcome.

The game’s strength lies in its immersive storytelling and character development. Taylor is a well-written and relatable character, and players will quickly become invested in their survival. The choices players make have a real impact on the story, and there are multiple endings depending on the choices made.

Setting and Story

Lifeline takes place on an alien planet known as Tau Ceti f. The planet is hostile and unforgiving, and Taylor must use all of their skills and resources to survive. The game’s story is full of twists and turns, and players will be kept on the edge of their seats as they follow Taylor’s journey.


The main character of Lifeline is Taylor, a space traveler who is stranded on Tau Ceti f. Taylor is a resourceful and determined individual, and they will do whatever it takes to survive. Players will also interact with a number of other characters, including:

  • V.I.K.I. – Taylor’s artificial intelligence companion. V.I.K.I. provides Taylor with information and support, and helps them to make decisions.
  • Dr. Vargas – A scientist who is also stranded on Tau Ceti f. Dr. Vargas is knowledgeable about the planet and its inhabitants, and can provide Taylor with valuable advice.
  • The Hunter – A mysterious figure who stalks Taylor throughout the game. The Hunter’s motives are unknown, but they pose a serious threat to Taylor’s survival.


Lifeline explores a number of themes, including:

  • Survival – Taylor must use all of their skills and resources to survive on Tau Ceti f. Players will be tested as they make choices that could mean the difference between life and death.
  • Hope – Even in the darkest of times, Taylor never gives up hope. Players will be inspired by Taylor’s determination and resilience.
  • Choice – The choices players make have a real impact on the story’s outcome. Players will be forced to weigh the consequences of their choices and make decisions that could change Taylor’s life forever.


Lifeline was met with critical acclaim upon its release. The game was praised for its immersive storytelling, well-written characters, and innovative gameplay. Lifeline has won numerous awards, including the BAFTA Games Award for Best Mobile Game.


Lifeline is a truly unique and engrossing experience. The game’s text-based gameplay, immersive storytelling, and well-written characters will keep players hooked from beginning to end. Lifeline is a must-play for fans of adventure games, science fiction, and interactive storytelling.

Tips for Playing Lifeline

  • Take your time. Lifeline is a game that is meant to be savored. Don’t rush through the story, and take the time to read each message carefully.
  • Think about the consequences of your choices. The choices you make in Lifeline have a real impact on the story’s outcome. Consider the potential consequences of each choice before you make it.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There is no one right way to play Lifeline. Experiment with different choices and see what happens.
  • Have fun! Lifeline is a game that is meant to be enjoyed. Relax, immerse yourself in the story, and have fun playing.

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