Man vs. Wild (2011)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Man vs. Wild (2011): A Detailed Review


Man vs. Wild is a 2011 survival video game developed by樑Ubisoft Montpellier and published by Ubisoft. The game is based on the Discovery Channel series of the same name, which follows former commando Bear Grylls into remote areas as he demonstrates how to survive harsh weather, hostile animals, and other natural dangers.

In the game, players take control of Bear Grylls and must use their survival skills to complete a series of challenges in different environments, including jungles, deserts, mountains, and arctic regions. Players must find food and water, build shelter, and avoid predators in order to survive.


Man vs. Wild is a third-person action-adventure game. Players control Bear Grylls from a third-person perspective and must use their survival skills to complete a series of challenges in different environments.

The game’s controls are simple and easy to learn. Players use the left analog stick to move Bear Grylls, the right analog stick to control the camera, and the face buttons to perform actions such as jumping, climbing, and using items.

Players must use their survival skills to find food and water, build shelter, and avoid predators in order to survive. Players can find food by hunting animals, gathering plants, or fishing. They can build shelter by using materials found in the environment, such as wood and leaves. And they can avoid predators by using stealth or by fighting them off with weapons.

The game features a variety of different challenges, including:

  • Survival challenges: These challenges require players to use their survival skills to survive in a specific environment for a period of time.
  • Rescue challenges: These challenges require players to rescue a stranded person or animal.
  • Predator challenges: These challenges require players to defeat a predator in order to survive.


The game features a variety of different environments, including:

  • Jungles: Jungles are dense forests with a variety of plants and animals. Players must be careful to avoid predators such as snakes and tigers.
  • Deserts: Deserts are hot and dry environments with little vegetation. Players must be careful to stay hydrated and avoid heatstroke.
  • Mountains: Mountains are cold and rocky environments with steep cliffs and narrow paths. Players must be careful to avoid falling and freezing to death.
  • Arctic regions: Arctic regions are cold and snowy environments with few plants and animals. Players must be careful to stay warm and avoid frostbite.

Graphics and Sound

The game’s graphics are realistic and detailed. The environments are lush and vibrant, and the character models are well-animated. The game’s sound effects are also realistic and immersive, and the music is suitably dramatic.


Man vs. Wild is a great game for fans of the TV show and for those who enjoy outdoor adventure games. Bear Grylls is a great guide and provides a lot of useful tips on how to survive in the wild. The game’s challenges are varied and challenging, and the environments are beautiful and realistic. Overall, Man vs. Wild is a great game that is sure to please fans of the TV show and survival games alike.

Score: 8/10


  • Realistic and detailed graphics
  • Varied and challenging gameplay
  • Beautiful and realistic environments
  • Useful survival tips from Bear Grylls


  • Can be repetitive at times
  • Some of the challenges are too difficult
  • The game is relatively short

Review Score


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