
by Nish
4 minutes read


    Micropede: A Retro Gaming Gem

    Micropede is a game of skill that is reminiscent of the old arcade classics, Millipede and Centipede. It was released in 1998 and quickly became a favorite among fans of retro gaming. The objective of the game is to shoot the micropede segments and avoid being touched by anything that moves. If you are touched, you die. There are 500 levels to play, each with its own unique layout and challenges.


    Micropede is played using a mouse. You control your man, who is armed with a laser gun, and must shoot the micropede segments as they crawl across the screen. The micropede segments are constantly moving, so you must be quick and accurate with your shots. You can also collect power-ups that will help you defeat the micropede segments, such as speed boosts and extra lives.

    In addition to the micropede segments, there are also other enemies that will attack you, including spiders, mosquitos, dragonflies, bees, and beetles. These enemies can be killed by shooting them, but they can also be avoided by moving out of their way.


    There are 500 levels to play in Micropede. Each level has its own unique layout and challenges. Some levels are simple and straightforward, while others are more complex and difficult. As you progress through the levels, the micropede segments will become faster and more difficult to hit. You will also encounter more enemies, and the levels will become more challenging.


    There are several power-ups that you can collect in Micropede to help you defeat the micropede segments and other enemies. These power-ups include:

    • Speed boost: This power-up will increase your speed, making it easier to avoid enemies and shoot the micropede segments.
    • Extra life: This power-up will give you an extra life, allowing you to continue playing if you die.
    • Invincibility: This power-up will make you invincible for a short period of time, allowing you to kill enemies without taking damage.
    • Spread shot: This power-up will give your laser gun a spread shot, allowing you to hit multiple micropede segments at once.

    Tips for Playing Micropede

    Here are a few tips to help you play Micropede:

    • Be patient: Micropede is a challenging game, so don’t get discouraged if you die a few times. Just keep practicing and you will eventually get better.
    • Be accurate with your shots: The micropede segments are constantly moving, so you need to be accurate with your shots. Take your time and line up your shots carefully.
    • Use power-ups wisely: The power-ups in Micropede can be very helpful, so use them wisely. Save your speed boosts for when you need to avoid enemies or shoot the micropede segments quickly. Use your extra lives to continue playing if you die. And use your invincibility power-ups to kill enemies without taking damage.
    • Don’t be afraid to experiment: There is no one right way to play Micropede. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you.


    Micropede is a challenging and addictive game of skill that will keep you entertained for hours. With 500 levels to play, there’s always a new challenge to overcome. So if you’re a fan of retro gaming, or if you’re just looking for a fun and challenging game to play, then I highly recommend checking out Micropede.

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