Monster Bash (1982)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Monster Bash: A Spooktacular Journey Through a Haunted Mansion, Castle, and Graveyard

Released in 1982, Monster Bash is a classic arcade game that combines thrilling gameplay, spooky graphics, and a catchy soundtrack to create an unforgettable experience. Players take control of Bashman, a brave adventurer tasked with vanquishing Count Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, and Chameleon Man in their respective haunted abodes.

Gameplay: A Hauntingly Good Time

Monster Bash is a single-screen maze game where players must guide Bashman through three distinct levels: a haunted mansion, a castle, and a graveyard. Each level is filled with spooky enemies, challenging puzzles, and hidden secrets.

In the mansion, Bashman must zap bats and light four candles to energize the Magic Sword, which he can then use to defeat Count Dracula. The castle level introduces Wolfmen who can crouch down to avoid being zapped, and the graveyard level features Spiders and Chameleon Man, who can change his color to become invisible.

Controls: Simple Yet Effective

Monster Bash’s controls are simple yet effective. Players use a 4-way joystick to move Bashman around the screen and a single button to shoot his Magic Zap. The Magic Zap can kill enemies, light candles, and activate switches.

Graphics: Spooky and Atmospheric

For an arcade game released in 1982, Monster Bash’s graphics are surprisingly detailed and atmospheric. The haunted mansion is filled with cobwebs, bats, and flickering candles, while the castle is adorned with suits of armor, torture devices, and a giant Frankenstein’s Monster. The graveyard level is particularly spooky, with tombstones, skeletons, and a mysterious Chameleon Man lurking in the shadows.

Sound: A Haunting Melody

Monster Bash’s soundtrack is simple yet effective, with a catchy main theme that perfectly captures the game’s spooky atmosphere. The sound effects are also well-done, with zapping noises, growling monsters, and eerie background music adding to the overall experience.

Legacy: A Classic for a Reason

Monster Bash has stood the test of time and remains a beloved classic among retro gaming enthusiasts. Its simple yet addictive gameplay, spooky graphics, and catchy soundtrack have made it a favorite among arcade fans for decades.

The game has been ported to numerous home platforms over the years, and it has also inspired several sequels and spin-offs. However, the original arcade version remains the definitive experience, offering a perfect blend of challenge, atmosphere, and fun.

Tips for Playing Monster Bash

  • Light the candles first: In each level, your first priority should be to light the candles to energize the Magic Sword. This will give you the power to defeat the level’s boss.
  • Be careful of crouching Wolfmen: In the castle level, Wolfmen can crouch down to avoid your Magic Zap. Be sure to time your shots carefully to hit them when they are standing upright.
  • Change the background color to see Chameleon Man: In the graveyard level, Chameleon Man can change his color to become invisible. To make him visible again, walk over one of the three color-change spots on the left side, right side, and bottom of the screen.
  • Don’t be afraid to explore: Monster Bash is filled with hidden secrets and bonus items. Be sure to explore every nook and cranny to find them all.

Conclusion: A Spooktacular Classic

Monster Bash is a true classic of the arcade era. Its simple yet addictive gameplay, spooky graphics, and catchy soundtrack have made it a favorite among retro gaming enthusiasts for decades. Whether you’re a seasoned arcade veteran or a newcomer to the genre, Monster Bash is a game that is sure to provide hours of spooky fun.

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