Necromancer (1982)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Necromancer (1982): A Unique Arcade Classic

Necromancer is an arcade game released in 1982 by Atari, Inc. It is an action game with unique gameplay that combines elements of strategy and puzzle-solving. The player controls the wizard Illuminar, who must use his magic to grow an army of trees to defeat the evil Necromancer and his minions.

Necromancer is divided into three distinct segments, each of which affects the one following it. In the first segment, the player controls Illuminar as he walks through a graveyard, casting spells to create trees. The trees can be used to attack the Necromancer’s minions, or to block their path. The player must carefully plan their strategy in this segment, as the trees they create will carry over to the next segment.

In the second segment, the player controls a group of trees as they march towards the Necromancer’s castle. The trees can attack the Necromancer’s minions, or they can be used to build bridges and other structures to help them reach the castle. The player must again carefully plan their strategy in this segment, as the trees they control will carry over to the third and final segment.

In the third and final segment, the player controls Illuminar as he battles the Necromancer in his castle. The player must use their magic to defeat the Necromancer and his minions, and to rescue the kidnapped princess.

Necromancer is a challenging and rewarding game that requires the player to use their strategic and puzzle-solving skills to succeed. The game’s unique gameplay and dark fantasy setting make it a standout among arcade games of its era.


Necromancer is played from a top-down perspective. The player controls Illuminar in the first and third segments of the game, and a group of trees in the second segment.

In the first segment, the player uses a joystick to move Illuminar around the graveyard. Illuminar can cast spells to create trees, which can be used to attack the Necromancer’s minions or to block their path. The player must carefully plan their strategy in this segment, as the trees they create will carry over to the next segment.

In the second segment, the player controls a group of trees as they march towards the Necromancer’s castle. The trees can attack the Necromancer’s minions, or they can be used to build bridges and other structures to help them reach the castle. The player must again carefully plan their strategy in this segment, as the trees they control will carry over to the third and final segment.

In the third and final segment, the player controls Illuminar as he battles the Necromancer in his castle. The player must use their magic to defeat the Necromancer and his minions, and to rescue the kidnapped princess.


Necromancer was developed by Atari’s coin-op division in Sunnyvale, California. The game was designed by Ed Rotberg and programmed by John Dunn. Rotberg was inspired to create Necromancer after playing the arcade game Pac-Man. He wanted to create a game that was more challenging and strategic than Pac-Man, and that would also feature a dark fantasy setting.

Necromancer was released in arcades in 1982. The game was a critical and commercial success, and it is considered to be one of the best arcade games of its era.


Necromancer has been ported to a number of home platforms, including the Atari 2600, Atari 5200, and Commodore 64. The game has also been released on a number of compilation discs and digital distribution platforms.

Necromancer has been praised for its unique gameplay, dark fantasy setting, and challenging difficulty. The game is considered to be a classic of the arcade era, and it continues to be enjoyed by gamers today.


Necromancer is a unique and challenging arcade game that combines elements of action, strategy, and puzzle-solving. The game’s dark fantasy setting and innovative gameplay make it a standout among arcade games of its era. Necromancer is a classic game that continues to be enjoyed by gamers today.

Review Score


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