Nevermind (1989)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


Nevermind (1989): A Mind-Boggling Puzzle Classic

Released in 1989 by Psygnosis, Nevermind is a unique and challenging puzzle game that combines arcade action with mind-numbing problem solving. With over 250 screens of stunning 3D isometric graphics and arcade-quality animated sprites, Nevermind captivated gamers with its innovative gameplay and fiendishly difficult puzzles.


The goal of Nevermind is deceptively simple: reconstruct a series of pictures by collecting scattered tiles and placing them in the right sequence. However, the game throws a variety of obstacles in your path to make this task anything but easy.

You’ll have to contend with tile-pinching chess pieces that block your path, dissolving tiles and causeways that disappear beneath your feet, transporter tiles that warp you to different parts of the screen, and a horrendously tight time limit.

Each screen presents a different puzzle, ranging in difficulty from the exceptionally easy to the mind-bogglingly difficult. Some puzzles require quick reflexes and precise timing, while others demand careful planning and logical thinking.

Graphics and Sound

Nevermind’s 3D isometric graphics were groundbreaking for its time. The game’s world is rendered in beautiful detail, with vibrant colors and smooth animations. The character sprites are also well-animated and full of personality.

The game’s soundtrack is equally impressive, with a catchy chiptune score that perfectly captures the game’s frantic and challenging gameplay.


Nevermind was a critical and commercial success, and it has been praised by many as one of the greatest puzzle games ever made. The game’s unique blend of arcade action and mind-bending puzzles has inspired countless other games, and it remains a popular choice for retro gamers today.

Tips for Playing Nevermind

If you’re looking to tackle the challenges of Nevermind, here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Take your time. Don’t rush through the puzzles. Take the time to observe the screen and plan your moves carefully.
  • Use the pause button. If you need a moment to think, don’t be afraid to use the pause button. This will give you a chance to catch your breath and plan your next move.
  • Experiment with different strategies. There is no one right way to solve a puzzle in Nevermind. Experiment with different strategies until you find one that works for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is a natural part of the learning process in Nevermind. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t solve a puzzle right away. Just keep trying and you’ll eventually figure it out.


Nevermind is a true classic of the puzzle genre. Its innovative gameplay, stunning graphics, and challenging puzzles have made it a favorite of gamers for over three decades. If you’re looking for a game that will challenge your mind and provide hours of entertainment, then Nevermind is definitely worth checking out.

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