Obduction (2016)

by Nish
5 minutes read


Obduction: A Journey into the Unfathomable

From Cyan, the legendary indie studio that brought us the groundbreaking Myst and Riven, comes Obduction, an awe-inspiring adventure game that transports players to an enigmatic and otherworldly realm. Obduction is a testament to Cyan’s enduring mastery of the adventure genre, seamlessly blending breathtaking visuals, intricate puzzles, and a deeply immersive narrative that will linger in your mind long after the credits roll.

A World of Wonder and Mystery

Obduction opens with a startling premise: you find yourself mysteriously transported to a strange and unfamiliar world, with no memory of how you arrived there. As you cautiously explore your surroundings, you encounter a series of surreal and interconnected landscapes, each with its own unique ecosystem, inhabitants, and secrets.

From the lush forests of Hunrath to the barren wastelands of Mofang, every environment in Obduction is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and intrigue. Cyan’s signature art style shines through in every frame, with vibrant colors, intricate textures, and breathtaking lighting effects that bring these alien worlds to life.

Unraveling the Enigma

As you traverse these enigmatic landscapes, you’ll encounter a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motivations and secrets. Some will offer guidance and assistance, while others may hinder your progress or even pose a threat. Through conversations and interactions, you’ll slowly piece together the fragmented history of this strange world and the role you play in its destiny.

Obduction’s puzzles are as ingenious as they are challenging. They require a keen eye for detail, logical thinking, and a willingness to experiment. Whether you’re manipulating ancient machinery, deciphering cryptic symbols, or navigating treacherous paths, each puzzle feels like a satisfying accomplishment that brings you closer to unraveling the game’s central mystery.

Choices and Consequences

Throughout your journey, you’ll be faced with a series of choices that will shape the course of the narrative. These choices may seem inconsequential at first, but they can have far-reaching consequences that ripple throughout the game world. Obduction is a game that rewards multiple playthroughs, as different choices lead to different outcomes and unlock new insights into the game’s intricate tapestry.

A Haunting and Atmospheric Experience

Obduction’s haunting soundtrack and immersive sound design further enhance the game’s enigmatic atmosphere. The eerie ambient music and the subtle environmental sounds create a palpable sense of tension and isolation, drawing you deeper into the game’s unsettling and otherworldly embrace.

A Triumph of Adventure Gaming

Obduction is a triumph of adventure gaming, a genre that Cyan has helped to define and refine over the past three decades. It’s a game that respects the intelligence of its players, offering a deeply immersive and thought-provoking experience that will challenge your mind and stay with you long after you finish playing.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of Cyan’s previous adventures or a newcomer to the genre, Obduction is an essential experience that will transport you to a world of wonder, mystery, and unforgettable storytelling.

Review Score



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