Obliteracers (2016)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Obliteracers: A Chaotic Intergalactic Party Racing Extravaganza


Prepare yourself for an intergalactic party like no other! Obliteracers (2016) is an award-winning, physics-based party racing game that brings the mayhem to your living room. With support for up to 16 players, Obliteracers delivers frantic, round-based combat as you race as brutal-cute aliens on exotic planets. Annihilate your competition using weapon power-ups and physics-based vehicles, and let only one alien emerge victorious!

Gameplay: A Symphony of Chaos

Obliteracers isn’t your typical racing game. It’s a chaotic, over-the-top experience where anything goes. The goal is simple: be the last alien standing. But achieving that goal is anything but simple.

You’ll race on a variety of wacky and dangerous tracks, each with its own unique obstacles and hazards. Along the way, you’ll collect weapon power-ups that can be used to sabotage your opponents. These power-ups range from rockets and bombs to grappling hooks and force fields.

But it’s not just about weapons. Obliteracers also features physics-based vehicles that can be used to ram, flip, and otherwise hinder your opponents. The tracks are littered with ramps, jumps, and other environmental elements that can be used to your advantage.

Multiplayer Mayhem: Up to 16 Players

Obliteracers truly shines when played with a group of friends. The game supports up to 16 players, so you can gather your crew and prepare for some intense competition.

The multiplayer mode is a perfect blend of chaos and camaraderie. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll probably rage a little bit. But at the end of it all, you’ll have a blast.

Unique and Charming Characters

One of the things that makes Obliteracers so special is its cast of characters. Each alien racer has their own unique personality, backstory, and vehicle. From the speed demon Gork to the telekinetic Lexi, there’s an alien for everyone.

The characters are also incredibly charming. They’re full of personality and humor, and they help to bring the world of Obliteracers to life.

Gorgeous and Varied Tracks

Obliteracers features a variety of tracks, each with its own unique look and feel. You’ll race through neon-lit cities, lush jungles, and even the depths of space.

The tracks are all beautifully designed and they offer a variety of challenges. Some tracks are more focused on speed, while others are more technical and require careful navigation.

Replayability and Customization

Obliteracers is a game that you can come back to time and time again. With its variety of tracks, characters, and power-ups, there’s always something new to discover.

The game also offers a variety of customization options. You can customize your alien racer’s appearance, vehicle, and even their voice. This allows you to create a truly unique racing experience.

Critical Reception and Awards

Obliteracers has been met with critical acclaim since its release. The game has won numerous awards, including the “Best Multiplayer Game” award at the 2016 Independent Games Festival.

Critics have praised Obliteracers for its chaotic and fun gameplay, its charming characters, and its gorgeous tracks. The game has also been praised for its replayability and customization options.


If you’re looking for a party racing game that’s full of chaos, humor, and replayability, then look no further than Obliteracers. With its unique gameplay, charming characters, and gorgeous tracks, Obliteracers is a game that will keep you and your friends entertained for hours on end.

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