Outer Ridge

by Christopher
3 minutes read


    Outer Ridge: A Space Odyssey

    Outer Ridge is a new space exploration game that puts you in the role of a pilot tasked with clearing the asteroid belts between Mars and Saturn. The Corporation Regulating Advanced Propulsion (CRAP) is in need of additional testing grounds and has hired you to clear the way.

    Your ship is equipped with a variety of weapons and tools that you can use to destroy asteroids. You can also collect raw materials from asteroids and use them to build new weapons and upgrades.

    The game is divided into sectors, and you must achieve a certain quota of asteroids destroyed in each sector before you can move on to the next. Follow-up crews will use Capped Rocket Utilizing Detonators (CRUDs) to destroy any remaining asteroids after you have hyperspaced into the next sector.


    Outer Ridge is a fast-paced and action-packed game. You will be constantly dodging asteroids and firing lasers at them to destroy them. You will also need to collect raw materials from asteroids and use them to build new weapons and upgrades.

    The game features a variety of different weapons and upgrades that you can use to customize your ship. You can also choose from a variety of different ships, each with its own unique stats and abilities.

    Graphics and Sound

    Outer Ridge features beautiful graphics and sound. The game’s visuals are stunning, and the sound effects and music are top-notch.


    Outer Ridge is a great game for fans of space exploration and asteroid mining. It’s a fast-paced and action-packed game with beautiful graphics and sound.

    Tips for Playing Outer Ridge

    Here are a few tips for playing Outer Ridge:

    • Use the environment to your advantage. Asteroids can be used as cover from enemy fire. You can also use them to trap enemies and force them into a corner.
    • Upgrade your ship regularly. New weapons and upgrades will make your ship more powerful and help you to clear sectors more quickly.
    • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There are many different ways to play Outer Ridge. Experiment with different weapons and upgrades to find the playstyle that suits you best.


    Outer Ridge is a great game that offers a lot of replayability. It’s a challenging and rewarding game that will keep you entertained for hours on end.

    Additional Information

    • Developer: CRAP
    • Publisher: CRUD
    • Release Date: 2023
    • Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
    • ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

    Review Score


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