Pachinko (1983)

by Nish
4 minutes read


  • Release Year: 1983
  • Platforms:

Pachinko (1983): A Classic Arcade Game That’s Still a Lot of Fun Today

Pachinko is a classic arcade game that was released in 1983. It’s a simple game to learn, but challenging to master, and it’s a lot of fun to play with friends or family.

The goal of Pachinko is to score as many points as possible by dropping balls into cups at the bottom of the screen. You can play against another person or the computer.

To play, you use a joystick to move your player left and right. When you’re ready to drop a ball, press the action button. Your player will then flip up their energizer and hit the ball.

The ball will then bounce around the screen, hitting pegs and other objects. If it hits a cup, you’ll score points. The number of points you score depends on the number on the cup.

There are also a few special objects on the screen that can help or hinder you. The Magic Mountain can change the numbers on the cups, the Troubleshooter can steal your balls, and the bumpers can send your balls flying in unexpected directions.

The game ends when one player reaches 100 points. You can also play against the clock, or set a different point goal.

Pachinko is a simple game to learn, but it’s challenging to master. There are a number of different strategies that you can use to win, and the game is always different, depending on the placement of the pegs and other objects on the screen.

Pachinko is a great game for all ages. It’s easy to learn, but it’s also challenging enough to keep you entertained for hours on end. If you’re looking for a classic arcade game to play, Pachinko is a great option.

Tips for Playing Pachinko

Here are a few tips to help you win at Pachinko:

  • Aim for the high-scoring cups. The cups at the bottom of the screen are worth more points than the cups at the top. So, try to aim for the high-scoring cups whenever possible.
  • Use the Magic Mountain to your advantage. The Magic Mountain can change the numbers on the cups. So, if you see a cup with a low number, try to bounce your ball off the Magic Mountain to change the number to a higher one.
  • Beware of the Troubleshooter. The Troubleshooter is a computer-controlled player who will try to steal your balls. So, be careful not to let him get too close to your balls.
  • Use the bumpers to your advantage. The bumpers can send your balls flying in unexpected directions. So, you can use them to your advantage to get your balls into the high-scoring cups.
  • Practice makes perfect. The best way to get good at Pachinko is to practice. So, play the game as much as you can, and you’ll eventually start to get better.


Pachinko is a classic arcade game that’s still a lot of fun today. It’s a simple game to learn, but challenging to master, and it’s a great game for all ages. So, if you’re looking for a classic arcade game to play, Pachinko is a great option.

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