Pharaonic (2016)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Pharaonic (2016): An Unforgiving Journey Through Ancient Egypt


In the year 2016, a new action-RPG emerged from the depths of indie development, captivating gamers with its unforgiving gameplay, stunning pixel art, and immersive setting. Pharaonic thrusts players into the unforgiving sands of Ancient Egypt, where they must unravel the secrets of the Red Pharaoh, Ahmosis I.

Gameplay: A Dance with Death

Pharaonic’s gameplay is a relentless ballet of combat and survival. Players take control of a lone warrior, venturing through a labyrinthine world of treacherous dungeons, desolate deserts, and opulent palaces. Every encounter with the game’s brutal enemies is a test of skill and adaptability.

The combat system is both unforgiving and rewarding. Each swing of your blade or cast of a spell carries weight and consequence. Players must master the art of dodging, parrying, and exploiting enemy weaknesses to survive. Death is a constant companion, and each defeat serves as a harsh lesson in the unforgiving nature of Pharaonic’s world.

Exploration: A Journey Through Ancient Egypt

Beyond the relentless combat, Pharaonic offers a rich and immersive exploration experience. Players traverse a vast and varied landscape, from the sun-baked sands of the desert to the opulent halls of royal palaces. Along the way, they encounter a cast of memorable characters, including the Daughters of Ishtar and the oppressed countrymen.

Exploration is not without its perils. Hidden traps, cunning enemies, and environmental hazards lurk around every corner. Players must remain vigilant and resourceful to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

Customization: Forging Your Warrior

In Pharaonic, players have the freedom to customize their warrior to suit their playstyle. A deep loot system rewards exploration and victory, offering a wide range of weapons, armor, and accessories. Each piece of gear carries unique properties and bonuses, allowing players to tailor their character to their strengths and weaknesses.

Whether you prefer the swift agility of a lightly-armored assassin or the unwavering resilience of a heavily-plated warrior, Pharaonic provides the tools to forge your own unique combat style.

Story: Unraveling the Secrets of the Red Pharaoh

As players journey through Pharaonic’s unforgiving world, they unravel the enigmatic tale of Ahmosis I, the Red Pharaoh. Through conversations with enigmatic characters and exploration of ancient ruins, players piece together the fragments of a forgotten history.

The story of Pharaonic is one of power, betrayal, and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to challenge fate. Players will encounter a cast of memorable characters, each with their own motivations and secrets.

Visuals: A Pixel-Art Masterpiece

Pharaonic’s pixel art visuals are a testament to the artistry and dedication of its developers. Every frame of animation is meticulously crafted, bringing to life the vibrant world of Ancient Egypt. From the towering pyramids to the bustling marketplaces, Pharaonic’s world is a feast for the eyes.

The game’s unique art style perfectly complements its unforgiving gameplay, creating an immersive and unforgettable experience.


Pharaonic (2016) is a masterclass in action-RPG design. Its unforgiving gameplay, immersive setting, and stunning pixel art combine to create a truly unique and unforgettable experience. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran of the genre or a newcomer to the world of indie gaming, Pharaonic is a game that will challenge, captivate, and leave a lasting impression.

So, gather your courage, sharpen your blade, and embark on an epic journey through the unforgiving sands of Ancient Egypt. The secrets of the Red Pharaoh await those who dare to face the challenges of Pharaonic.

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