Pokémon Black & Blue (2012)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Pokémon Black & Blue: PETA’s Parody Game for Animal Rights Awareness

Pokémon Black & Blue is a browser game created by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an animal rights organization based in the United States. It’s a parody of Pokémon Black and White, released in 2010, and was created to spread awareness about real-life animal rights and animal welfare concerns.

The game was developed by PETA’s in-house creative team and was released in 2012. It’s a side-scrolling platformer where players control Pikachu, the iconic Pokémon character. Pikachu travels through different levels, learning about animal rights issues and rescuing animals from various forms of abuse and exploitation.


Pokémon Black & Blue is a simple but engaging platformer. Players control Pikachu as he runs, jumps, and uses his electric attacks to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies. The game features a variety of levels, each with its own unique theme and set of challenges.

In the first level, Pikachu visits a factory farm, where he learns about the cruel conditions in which animals are raised for food. He sees chickens crammed into tiny cages, pigs living in filth, and cows being forcibly impregnated. Pikachu rescues a baby chick from the factory and vows to help other animals who are suffering.

In subsequent levels, Pikachu travels to a fur farm, a dog fighting ring, a marine park, and a circus. He witnesses firsthand the abuse and exploitation that animals endure in these industries. He rescues a fox from a fur farm, a dog from a fighting ring, a dolphin from a marine park, and an elephant from a circus.

Throughout the game, Pikachu is joined by a cast of animal rights activists, including PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk and celebrity supporters like Alec Baldwin and Pamela Anderson. These activists provide Pikachu with information about animal rights issues and offer encouragement on his journey.


Pokémon Black & Blue is a powerful and effective tool for raising awareness about animal rights. The game’s simple gameplay and engaging story make it accessible to a wide audience, and its message is clear and concise: animals are sentient beings who deserve to be treated with compassion and respect.

The game does not shy away from depicting the harsh realities of animal abuse and exploitation. Players see firsthand the suffering that animals endure, and they learn about the systemic problems that allow this abuse to continue.

However, Pokémon Black & Blue is not a depressing game. It is a game of hope and empowerment. Pikachu’s journey shows that one person can make a difference, and it inspires players to take action to help animals.


Pokémon Black & Blue has been praised by animal rights activists and gamers alike for its innovative approach to raising awareness about animal rights. The game has been played by millions of people around the world and has helped to educate people about the plight of animals.

PETA has used Pokémon Black & Blue as a tool in its campaigns to end animal abuse and exploitation. The game has been featured in PETA’s educational materials, and it has been used to lobby for changes in animal welfare laws.

Pokémon Black & Blue is a powerful example of how video games can be used to promote social change. The game is a fun and engaging way to learn about animal rights, and it inspires players to take action to help animals.


Pokémon Black & Blue continues to be an important tool for PETA in its work to protect animals. The game is still played by millions of people around the world, and it continues to raise awareness about animal rights issues.

Pokémon Black & Blue has also inspired other video games that promote animal rights. In 2015, PETA released a sequel to Pokémon Black & Blue called Pokémon Black & Blue 2: The Sequel. This game featured new levels and new characters, and it continued to spread PETA’s message of compassion for animals.

Other video games that promote animal rights include:

  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf (2012): This game features a variety of animals that players can interact with and befriend. The game also includes educational information about animal welfare.
  • The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs (2017): This game allows players to adopt and care for cats and dogs. The game also includes information about pet adoption and responsible pet ownership.
  • Shelter 2 (2015): This game puts players in the role of a mother lynx who must protect her cubs from the dangers of the wilderness. The game highlights the challenges that animals face in the wild and the importance of conservation.

These are just a few examples of video games that are helping to raise awareness about animal rights and promote compassion for animals. Pokémon Black & Blue was a pioneer in this genre, and it continues to be an important tool for PETA in its work to protect animals.

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