Pokémon Go (2016)

by Ji-yeong
7 minutes read


Pokémon Go: A Revolutionary Mobile Gaming Experience

Released in 2016, Pokémon Go quickly became one of the most popular mobile games in the world. The game’s unique blend of augmented reality (AR) and classic Pokémon gameplay captivated players of all ages.

Pokémon Go allows players to explore their real-world surroundings while catching, battling, and trading Pokémon. The game uses GPS and the phone’s camera to create an AR experience that makes it feel like Pokémon are actually出现在in the player’s world.

One of the most appealing aspects of Pokémon Go is its social element. Players can join forces with friends to take down powerful raid bosses or compete against each other in gym battles. The game also encourages players to explore their local communities, as Pokémon can be found in a variety of locations, from parks to libraries to historical landmarks.

Pokémon Go has been praised for its innovative gameplay, its ability to get people up and moving, and its potential to bring people together. However, the game has also been criticized for its occasional technical glitches and its reliance on microtransactions.

Overall, Pokémon Go is a well-made and enjoyable game that has revolutionized the way we think about mobile gaming. The game’s unique blend of AR and classic Pokémon gameplay has created a truly immersive and engaging experience that has captivated players of all ages.


Pokémon Go is a location-based AR game in which players use their phone’s GPS and camera to catch, battle, and trade Pokémon in the real world. Players can also visit PokéStops, which are located at real-world landmarks, to collect items and learn more about the game.

The game’s basic gameplay loop involves walking around and searching for Pokémon. When a player encounters a Pokémon, they can tap on it to enter a battle. Battles are turn-based, and players can use a variety of attacks to defeat their opponents.

Once a player has defeated a Pokémon, they can catch it by throwing a Poké Ball at it. If the Poké Ball hits the Pokémon, the player will have a chance to capture it. The chance of capture is based on a number of factors, including the Pokémon’s level and the type of Poké Ball used.

Players can also collect items in Pokémon Go, such as Poké Balls, potions, and revives. Items can be found at PokéStops or purchased from the in-game store.

Social Features

One of the most appealing aspects of Pokémon Go is its social element. Players can join forces with friends to take down powerful raid bosses or compete against each other in gym battles. The game also encourages players to explore their local communities, as Pokémon can be found in a variety of locations.

Players can also trade Pokémon with each other. Trading is a great way to get the Pokémon you need to complete your Pokédex or to simply get a stronger Pokémon.


Pokémon Go is a free-to-play game, but it does offer microtransactions. Players can purchase PokéCoins, which can be used to buy items in the game. PokéCoins can also be earned by completing certain tasks, such as catching Pokémon or spinning PokéStops.

Microtransactions are not necessary to enjoy Pokémon Go, but they can make the game more convenient and enjoyable. For example, players can purchase Poké Balls to catch more Pokémon, or they can purchase potions to heal their Pokémon.


Pokémon Go has had a major impact on the mobile gaming industry. The game’s unique blend of AR and classic Pokémon gameplay has created a truly immersive and engaging experience that has captivated players of all ages.

Pokémon Go has also been credited with getting people up and moving. The game encourages players to explore their local communities and to interact with each other. As a result, Pokémon Go has been shown to have a number of positive benefits, such as increased physical activity and social interaction.


Pokémon Go has also been criticized for its occasional technical glitches and its reliance on microtransactions.

The game’s technical glitches have been a source of frustration for many players. For example, the game has been known to crash frequently, and it can be difficult to connect to the game’s servers.

The game’s reliance on microtransactions has also been criticized. Some players feel that the game is too expensive to play without spending money on microtransactions.


Pokémon Go is a well-made and enjoyable game that has revolutionized the way we think about mobile gaming. The game’s unique blend of AR and classic Pokémon gameplay has created a truly immersive and engaging experience that has captivated players of all ages.

Despite its occasional technical glitches and its reliance on microtransactions, Pokémon Go is a game that is well worth playing. The game’s innovative gameplay, its ability to get people up and moving, and its potential to bring people together make it a truly special experience.

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