Poncho (2015)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Poncho (2015): A Platformer Like No Other

In the realm of video games, platformers have long been a staple genre, beloved by gamers for their simple yet addictive gameplay and their ability to transport players to fantastical worlds. However, even within this well-established genre, there are always new and innovative titles that manage to break the mold and offer something truly unique. Poncho (2015) is one such game.

Developed by indie studio Delve Interactive, Poncho is a 2D platformer with a difference. It features a unique art style, a clever puzzle-solving mechanic, and a heartwarming story that will stay with you long after you finish playing.

A Unique and Beautiful World

One of the first things that strikes you about Poncho is its stunning visuals. The game’s world is rendered in a vibrant and colorful art style that is both whimsical andどこか懐かしい. The backgrounds are full of intricate details, and the characters are all beautifully animated.

The world of Poncho is also incredibly diverse. You’ll explore everything from lush forests to icy mountains to underwater caverns. Each area has its own unique look and feel, and there’s always something new to discover.

Clever Puzzle-Solving

Poncho’s gameplay is a mix of platforming and puzzle-solving. The platforming sections are challenging but fair, and the puzzles are clever and engaging. The game’s unique dimension-hopping mechanic adds a new layer of depth to the puzzles, and it’s always satisfying to figure out how to use it to your advantage.

One of the things that makes Poncho’s puzzles so enjoyable is that they’re never too difficult. The game provides just enough guidance to help you figure out what to do, but it never outright tells you the answer. This makes the puzzles feel more rewarding to solve, and it also encourages you to experiment and explore.

A Heartwarming Story

In addition to its stunning visuals and clever gameplay, Poncho also features a heartwarming story. You play as Poncho, a young robot who is on a journey to find his maker. Along the way, you’ll meet a cast of colorful characters, each with their own unique story to tell.

The story of Poncho is a simple one, but it’s told with a lot of heart and humor. The characters are all relatable and likeable, and you’ll find yourself rooting for Poncho every step of the way.


One of the things that makes Poncho so replayable is its multiple endings. Depending on the choices you make throughout the game, you’ll get one of several different endings. This encourages you to play the game multiple times to see all of the different outcomes.

In addition to the multiple endings, Poncho also features a number of hidden secrets and collectibles. These are scattered throughout the game world, and finding them all will add hours of extra gameplay.


Poncho (2015) is a unique and captivating platformer that will transport you to another world. With its stunning visuals, clever puzzles, and heartwarming story, Poncho is a must-play for any fan of the genre.


  • Stunning visuals
  • Clever puzzle-solving
  • Heartwarming story
  • Multiple endings
  • Hidden secrets and collectibles


  • Can be a bit short
  • Some of the puzzles can be frustrating

Review Score



Cover Art


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