SimEarth: The Living Planet (1990)

by Nish
5 minutes read


SimEarth: The Living Planet (1990)

SimEarth is a planet simulator game released in 1990 by Maxis, the company founded by Will Wright, who would later create the Sims franchise. SimEarth is a complex and challenging game that allows players to take on the role of a god and create and manage their own planet.

The game begins by giving the player a choice of pre-made planets to play with, or the option to create their own custom planet. Once a planet has been selected, the player is given a variety of tools to use to shape and mold their world. These tools can be used to alter the planet’s terrain, climate, and atmosphere. The player can also create and manage the planet’s life forms, from single-celled organisms to intelligent beings.

SimEarth is a complex game with a wide range of possibilities. Players can choose to focus on creating a balanced and thriving ecosystem, or they can experiment with different ways to destroy their planet. The game can be played in either “game” mode or “experimental” mode. In game mode, the player is given a limited amount of energy to use to shape and manage their planet. In experimental mode, the player has unlimited energy and can experiment with different scenarios without having to worry about running out of resources.

One of the most interesting aspects of SimEarth is its realistic simulation of the planet’s ecosystem. The game takes into account a wide range of factors, including the planet’s temperature, atmosphere, and terrain. These factors all interact with each other in complex ways, and the player must carefully manage them in order to create a thriving planet.

For example, if the player increases the planet’s temperature too much, the oceans will evaporate and the planet will become a barren wasteland. If the player adds too much oxygen to the atmosphere, the planet will become too hot and the oceans will boil away. The player must carefully balance all of these factors in order to create a planet that is both habitable and sustainable.

SimEarth is also a very educational game. It can teach players about the importance of the environment and the delicate balance of nature. The game can also be used to teach players about the scientific method. By experimenting with different scenarios, players can learn how different factors affect the planet’s ecosystem.

SimEarth was a critical and commercial success when it was first released. The game was praised for its originality, complexity, and educational value. SimEarth has been ported to a variety of platforms over the years, and it remains a popular game today.

Here are some of the key features of SimEarth:

  • Realistic simulation of the planet’s ecosystem
  • Wide range of tools to shape and manage your planet
  • Create and manage your own life forms
  • Play in either “game” mode or “experimental” mode
  • Educational value

If you are interested in learning more about SimEarth, I encourage you to check out the following resources:

I hope this article has given you a good overview of SimEarth: The Living Planet. If you are looking for a challenging and educational game to play, I highly recommend checking out SimEarth.

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