Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura

by Christopher
6 minutes read


Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura is a new expansion for the popular board game Skyward Collapse. It adds a new faction, the Japanese, as well as new mechanics and a new way to win.

The Japanese faction is a powerful force to be reckoned with. Their military is strong, and their gods are more aggressive than their Greek and Norse counterparts. Each Japanese god has three god creatures instead of three god tokens, and their abilities are more powerful.

One of the new mechanics in Nihon no Mura is the hamlet. Hamlets are non-combative, non-factional villages that can be built in the remains of fallen towns. Hamlet buildings can only be placed from a limited queue that cycles as you place them. Hamlet buildings generate (or lose) Culture depending on what pre-existing tiles were adjacent at the time you placed them.

Culture is a new resource in Nihon no Mura. It can be used to activate four powerful new abilities, including creating Large Towns or even turning back time. Amass enough Culture and Sunstone, and you can even win the game via a new Cultural Victory!

Nihon no Mura is a fantastic expansion for Skyward Collapse. It adds a lot of new content and mechanics to the game, and it makes the game more challenging and strategic. The Japanese faction is a powerful new force to be reckoned with, and the new hamlet buildings add a whole new layer of strategy to the game. I highly recommend checking it out!

Here is a more detailed overview of the new content and mechanics in Nihon no Mura:

  • Japanese faction: The Japanese faction is a powerful new force to be reckoned with. Their military is strong, and their gods are more aggressive than their Greek and Norse counterparts. Each Japanese god has three god creatures instead of three god tokens, and their abilities are more powerful.
  • Hamlets: Hamlets are non-combative, non-factional villages that can be built in the remains of fallen towns. Hamlet buildings can only be placed from a limited queue that cycles as you place them. Hamlet buildings generate (or lose) Culture depending on what pre-existing tiles were adjacent at the time you placed them.
  • Culture: Culture is a new resource in Nihon no Mura. It can be used to activate four powerful new abilities, including creating Large Towns or even turning back time. Amass enough Culture and Sunstone, and you can even win the game via a new Cultural Victory!
  • Cultural Victory: The Cultural Victory is a new way to win in Nihon no Mura. To achieve a Cultural Victory, you must build a Large Town and then activate the “Cultural Victory” ability. This ability requires you to have a certain amount of Culture and Sunstone.

Overall, Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura is a fantastic expansion that adds a lot of new content and mechanics to the game. It makes the game more challenging and strategic, and it adds a whole new layer of depth to the gameplay.

Here are some tips for playing Nihon no Mura:

  • Use the Japanese faction’s strengths to your advantage. The Japanese military is strong, and their gods are more aggressive than their Greek and Norse counterparts. Use this to your advantage to dominate the map and control the flow of the game.
  • Build hamlets to generate Culture. Culture is a valuable resource in Nihon no Mura. Use it to activate powerful new abilities that can help you win the game.
  • Be careful not to overextend yourself. The Japanese faction is powerful, but it is also vulnerable to attack. Don’t overextend yourself, or you could find yourself in trouble.
  • Go for the Cultural Victory. The Cultural Victory is a new and powerful way to win in Nihon no Mura. If you can manage to build a Large Town and generate enough Culture, you can win the game without having to conquer the entire map.

I hope these tips help you to enjoy Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura!

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