Snafu (1981)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Snafu: The Ultimate Maze and Serpent Challenge

Released in 1981, Snafu is a classic arcade game that combines the excitement of maze navigation with the intensity of serpent-eating action. With its simple yet addictive gameplay and competitive split-screen multiplayer, Snafu has stood the test of time as a beloved retro gaming experience.


Snafu offers two distinct game modes: Trap Games and Bite Games.

Trap Games

In Trap Games, players control a trail of dots that constantly move forward. The goal is to keep your trail moving without colliding with any obstacles, including the edges of the screen, other trails, or yourself. Players can also block their opponents’ trails, forcing them into collisions and elimination.

Bite Games

In Bite Games, players control a serpent that can move in any direction. The goal is to make contact between the head of your serpent and the tail of your opponent’s serpent. Each contact “bites” off one link of the opponent’s serpent. The winner is the serpent that survives with the most links.


Snafu features a total of 16 game variations, including:

  • Maze Chase: Players navigate a maze while avoiding obstacles and each other.
  • Crazy Chase: A variation of Maze Chase with randomly moving obstacles.
  • Follow the Leader: One player controls the leader serpent, while the others try to follow without crashing.
  • Serpent: Players control serpents that can move in any direction.
  • Head On: Players control serpents that can only move forward or backward.
  • Tail Tag: Players try to bite the tail of their opponents’ serpents.


Snafu was a critical and commercial success upon its release in 1981. It was praised for its innovative gameplay, competitive multiplayer, and addictive nature. Snafu has been ported to numerous platforms over the years, including the Atari 2600, Commodore 64, and Nintendo Switch.

Snafu is considered one of the most influential maze games of all time. Its unique blend of strategy and action has inspired numerous other games, including Pac-Man, Tron, and Snake. Snafu remains a popular choice for retro gaming enthusiasts and is still enjoyed by players of all ages today.

Tips for Playing Snafu

  • In Trap Games, try to keep your trail as short as possible to reduce the chances of colliding with yourself or others.
  • In Bite Games, try to predict your opponent’s movements and cut them off before they can bite your tail.
  • Learn the different game variations to master all the challenges that Snafu has to offer.
  • Play with friends for a competitive and exciting multiplayer experience.


Snafu is a timeless arcade classic that offers a unique and challenging gaming experience. With its simple yet addictive gameplay, competitive multiplayer, and numerous game variations, Snafu is a must-play for fans of maze games, serpent games, and retro gaming in general.

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