Soul Gambler (2014)

by Ji-yeong
6 minutes read


Soul Gambler: A Visual Novel That Will Haunt You Long After You Finish Playing It

Released in 2014, Soul Gambler is a visual novel that tells the story of Faust, an ordinary young man living in the present day whose destiny is about to change forever. One day, Faust receives a mysterious letter inviting him to participate in a “game” called Soul Gambler. Intrigued, Faust accepts the invitation, unaware of the danger that awaits him.

The game is simple: Faust must travel back in time and prevent a series of tragedies from happening. If he succeeds, he will be granted one wish. However, if he fails, he will lose his soul.

Faust accepts the challenge and is sent back to the past, where he witnesses firsthand the horrors of war, poverty, and disease. He meets people from all walks of life, some good and some evil. He learns about the fragility of life and the importance of making choices.

As Faust travels through time, he begins to question the morality of the game. Is it right to change the past, even if it means saving lives? And what is the true cost of a wish?

Soul Gambler is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant visual novel that will stay with you long after you finish playing it. It is a game that explores the themes of fate, destiny, and the power of choice.


  • Faust: The protagonist of the game. Faust is an ordinary young man who is thrust into a world of danger and intrigue. He is a kind and compassionate person, but he is also strong and determined.
  • Mephistopheles: The mysterious figure who invites Faust to participate in the game. Mephistopheles is a powerful demon who is both charming and dangerous.
  • Helena: A young woman who Faust meets in the past. Helena is a kind and gentle soul who is caught up in the horrors of war.
  • Johann: A young man who Faust meets in the past. Johann is a brilliant scientist who is working on a way to end the war.


Soul Gambler is a visual novel, which means that the gameplay consists primarily of reading text and making choices. The player controls Faust’s actions and decisions, which will affect the course of the story.

The game is divided into chapters, each of which takes place in a different time period. Faust must travel back in time to prevent a specific tragedy from happening in each chapter. If he succeeds, he will be granted one wish. However, if he fails, he will lose his soul.

The player’s choices will affect the story in a number of ways. For example, the player can choose to help Faust save Helena’s life, or they can choose to let her die. The player can also choose to help Johann develop a cure for the plague, or they can choose to let the plague spread.

The player’s choices will ultimately determine the ending of the game. There are multiple endings possible, depending on the choices the player makes.


Soul Gambler explores a number of themes, including:

  • Fate and destiny: Faust is constantly struggling against his destiny. He wants to change the past and save lives, but he is also aware of the dangers of doing so.
  • The power of choice: Faust’s choices have a profound impact on the course of the story. The player must carefully consider each choice, as it could have far-reaching consequences.
  • The cost of a wish: Faust is granted one wish if he succeeds in the game. However, he soon learns that there is always a price to pay for what you wish for.


Soul Gambler is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant visual novel that will stay with you long after you finish playing it. It is a game that explores the themes of fate, destiny, and the power of choice. With its gripping story, well-developed characters, and stunning visuals, Soul Gambler is a must-play for fans of the genre.

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