Space Slalom (1983)

by Christopher
3 minutes read


Space Slalom (1983): A Unique and Challenging Space-Themed Classic

Released in 1983 for the SG-1000, Space Slalom is a unique and challenging space-themed game that requires both skill and precision. Despite its simple graphics and gameplay, Space Slalom has stood the test of time and remains a popular choice among retro gaming enthusiasts.


Space Slalom is a vertical shoot-’em-up game with a twist: there is no shooting involved. The player controls a shuttle and must navigate it through a course defined by colored stars, similar to ski slaloms. The player must also avoid obstacles, such as asteroids and enemy ships.

The game is played on a single screen, and the player’s shuttle moves continuously upwards. The player controls the shuttle’s left and right movement, as well as its speed. The player must use the shuttle’s thrusters to accelerate and decelerate, and must carefully time their movements to avoid obstacles and navigate the course.

The game is divided into several levels, each with its own unique layout and obstacles. The player must complete each level in order to progress to the next. The game becomes increasingly difficult as the player progresses, with faster speeds and more obstacles to avoid.

Graphics and Sound

Space Slalom’s graphics are simple but effective. The game uses a limited color palette, but the colors are used to great effect to create a sense of depth and atmosphere. The game’s soundtrack is also simple but catchy, and it helps to create a sense of excitement and urgency.


Space Slalom was a critical and commercial success upon its release, and it has since become one of the most popular games for the SG-1000. The game has been praised for its unique gameplay, challenging difficulty, and addictive nature.

Space Slalom has been移植d to several other platforms, including the Sega Master System, the Game Gear, and the Nintendo Switch. The game has also been included in several retro game compilations.

Tips for Playing Space Slalom

  • Use the shuttle’s thrusters to accelerate and decelerate. This will help you to avoid obstacles and navigate the course more easily.
  • Be careful not to overuse the shuttle’s thrusters. If you use the thrusters too much, the shuttle will overheat and you will lose control.
  • Time your movements carefully. The game is all about timing, and you need to be able to anticipate the obstacles and adjust your movements accordingly.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment. There is no one right way to play Space Slalom. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you.


Space Slalom is a unique and challenging space-themed game that requires both skill and precision. The game’s simple graphics and gameplay belie its addictive nature, and it is sure to provide hours of enjoyment for retro gaming enthusiasts.

Review Score


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