Strife (2015)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Strife (2015): A Team-Based Hero Brawler That’s Easy to Learn, Hard to Master

Strife is a team-based hero brawler that combines action, strategy, and RPG elements in an accessible and engaging way. It’s easy to learn, but hard to master, with a high skill ceiling that rewards players for their time and dedication.


Strife is played on a map with two bases, one for each team. Each base has a central structure, creep spawn points, three generators, and a hero spawning pool. The goal of the game is to destroy the central structure of the opposite base.

Players achieve this by selecting heroes with unique skills to combat the other team. Both teams can select the same heroes. Each game, a player chooses one hero to be for the duration of the match. Every hero has four abilities that may be acquired and upgraded as the hero gains experience and levels up.

In addition to their unique abilities, heroes also have access to a variety of items that can be purchased from the in-game store. Items can provide heroes with stat bonuses, utility enhancements, or even new abilities.


Strife features a diverse cast of heroes, each with their own unique playstyle. Some heroes are designed to deal damage, while others are better at supporting their teammates. There are also heroes that are more suited for solo play, while others excel in team fights.

Some of the most popular heroes in Strife include:

  • Raigon: A melee assassin with high mobility and burst damage.
  • Jaina: A ranged mage with crowd control abilities and waveclear.
  • Croak: A melee bruiser with high sustain and team fight potential.
  • Shifu: A ranged support with healing and shielding abilities.
  • Varesh: A melee tank with high crowd control and initiation potential.


Strife is a game that requires both individual skill and teamwork. Players must be able to master their chosen hero, but they must also be able to work together with their teammates to achieve victory.

There are a number of different strategies that can be employed in Strife. Some teams may choose to focus on early aggression, while others may prefer to farm and scale into the late game. The best strategy will vary depending on the composition of the two teams.


Strife is a great game for players of all skill levels. It’s easy to learn, but hard to master, with a high skill ceiling that rewards players for their time and dedication. The game features a diverse cast of heroes, each with their own unique playstyle, and a variety of strategies that can be employed to achieve victory.

Tips for New Players

  • Learn the basics of the game by playing the tutorial.
  • Experiment with different heroes to find one that suits your playstyle.
  • Focus on farming and leveling up in the early game.
  • Work with your teammates to achieve victory.
  • Don’t give up! Strife is a challenging game, but it’s also very rewarding.

Additional Information

  • Strife is free to play.
  • Strife is available on PC, Mac, and Linux.
  • Strife is developed by S2 Games.
  • Strife was released on July 14, 2015.

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