Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut (2014)

by Christopher
8 minutes read


Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut: A Space Combat Masterpiece

In the year 2299, humanity finds itself on the brink of annihilation in Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut, the definitive version of the acclaimed space combat simulator. Developed by Born Ready Games and published by Square Enix, this 2014 release takes players on a thrilling journey across a vibrant and war-torn universe, where they must master the art of transforming spacecraft and engage in epic fleet battles.

A Unique Blend of Space Combat and Mech Warfare

Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut sets itself apart from other space combat games by introducing a revolutionary gameplay mechanic: the ability to transform your spacecraft into a hulking suit of space armor. This unique feature allows players to switch seamlessly between the agility and speed of a fighter craft and the raw power and resilience of a mech.

The Strike Suit, the player’s primary vessel, is a marvel of engineering. In its spacecraft form, it boasts exceptional maneuverability and speed, allowing players to weave through enemy fire and execute daring strafing runs. By activating the “Strike Suit” mode, the craft transforms into a towering mech, gaining immense strength and firepower. This transformation grants players the ability to unleash devastating melee attacks and tank through enemy fire, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

An Epic Storyline Spanning 17 Unique Missions

Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut features an immersive and engaging storyline that unfolds over 17 unique missions. Players take on the role of Lieutenant Commander Adams, a skilled pilot thrust into the heart of a raging interstellar war. As Adams, players must lead the United Nations of Earth (UNE) forces against the relentless onslaught of the United Colonies of Mankind (UCM).

The story is told through a series of fully voiced cutscenes and in-game dialogue, which bring the characters and their motivations to life. Players will encounter a diverse cast of allies and enemies, each with their own unique personalities and backstories. The narrative is well-paced, with twists and turns that keep players engaged from start to finish.

Massive Fleet Battles and Intelligent Enemy AI

One of the highlights of Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut is its massive fleet battles. Players will find themselves immersed in chaotic and awe-inspiring battles, where hundreds of ships clash in a deadly ballet of laser fire and explosions. The enemy AI is top-notch, with enemy fighters employing a variety of tactics to outmaneuver and outgun the player.

In addition to the standard dogfighting missions, players will also take on colossal capital ships, exploiting weak points in their super-structure to blow them apart piece by piece. These capital ship battles require careful strategy and coordination, as players must manage their resources and target specific systems to maximize their effectiveness.

Customization and Upgrades for Endless Replayability

Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut offers a deep and rewarding customization system that allows players to tailor their Strike Suit and weapon load-outs to their preferred playstyle. Players can choose from a variety of primary and secondary weapons, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. They can also upgrade their Strike Suit’s armor, shields, and engines to enhance its performance in combat.

With six different craft to choose from, including three Strike Suits, players have a wide range of options to experiment with. Each craft has its own unique handling characteristics and weapon configurations, ensuring that there’s a playstyle to suit every preference.

Stunning Visuals and an Immersive Soundtrack

Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut boasts stunning visuals that bring the vibrant and war-torn universe to life. The game’s environments are rich in detail, with beautiful nebulae, distant planets, and massive space stations providing a breathtaking backdrop for the action. The character models and ship designs are equally impressive, with a level of polish that rivals AAA titles.

The game’s soundtrack is equally impressive, with a mix of orchestral and electronic music that perfectly captures the epic scope and intensity of the gameplay. The sound effects are also top-notch, with the roar of engines, the crackle of laser fire, and the explosions of capital ships creating a truly immersive experience.

The Definitive Space Combat Experience

Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut is the definitive version of the game, featuring a next-gen graphical overhaul, restructured campaign, and additional content. The game’s visuals are sharper than ever, with improved lighting, textures, and effects. The campaign has been restructured to provide a more cohesive and engaging experience, with new missions and cutscenes added to flesh out the story.

The Director’s Cut also includes the Heroes of the Fleet campaign, which adds six new missions and three new playable characters to the game. These new missions are just as challenging and engaging as the main campaign, providing even more content for players to enjoy.


Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut is a masterpiece of space combat simulation. Its unique blend of spacecraft and mech gameplay, combined with its epic storyline, stunning visuals, and immersive soundtrack, creates an unforgettable experience that will keep players engaged for hours on end. Whether you’re a seasoned space combat veteran or a newcomer to the genre, Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut is a must-play title that will leave you breathless.

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