Stunt Car Racer (1989)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Stunt Car Racer (1989): The Granddaddy of 3D Racing

Released in 1989, Stunt Car Racer was a groundbreaking arcade racing game that set the standard for 3D racing games for years to come. Developed by Geoff Crammond, the game featured innovative graphics, challenging gameplay, and a variety of tracks that tested players’ skills to the limit.


Stunt Car Racer is a single-player racing game where players compete against a computer opponent on a variety of tracks. The tracks are all set high in the air, with chasms, jumps, and drawbridges that players must navigate in order to win.

Players control their car from a first-person perspective, and the action is viewed from within the car throughout the 3-lap races. The distance between the player and the opponent is always on screen, adding to the sense of urgency and competition.

Cars have a limited amount of turbo boost fuel that can be used to accelerate faster and achieve higher speeds. However, players must use the boost wisely, as using it all up at once can cause the car to overheat and lose power.

Players must also be careful not to damage their car too much. Severe dents will show up during the next race, and can affect the car’s performance.

If a player falls off the track, they will lose time as they are placed back on. Falling off the track too many times can result in a disqualification.


Stunt Car Racer features a variety of tracks, each with its own unique challenges. Some tracks are relatively straightforward, while others are more complex and require players to master the game’s physics in order to succeed.

Some of the most famous tracks in Stunt Car Racer include:

  • The Oval: A simple oval track with no obstacles.
  • The Figure 8: A more complex track that requires players to make sharp turns.
  • The Jump: A track with a large jump that players must clear in order to win.
  • The Chasm: A track with a large chasm that players must jump over.
  • The Drawbridge: A track with a drawbridge that opens and closes, making it difficult to cross.


For its time, Stunt Car Racer’s graphics were groundbreaking. The game used a 3D engine to create a realistic and immersive racing experience. The cars were well-detailed, and the tracks were full of objects and obstacles that made them feel alive.

The game’s use of color was also impressive. The tracks were bright and vibrant, and the cars were easy to see against the backgrounds.


Stunt Car Racer was a critical and commercial success, and it is still considered to be one of the best racing games ever made. The game’s innovative gameplay, challenging tracks, and impressive graphics set the standard for future 3D racing games.

Stunt Car Racer has been ported to a variety of platforms over the years, including the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and PC. The game is also available on modern platforms such as Steam and


Stunt Car Racer is a classic arcade racing game that still holds up today. Its innovative gameplay, challenging tracks, and impressive graphics make it a must-play for fans of the genre. If you’re looking for a racing game that will test your skills and provide hours of entertainment, then Stunt Car Racer is the game for you.

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