Sub Hunt (1982)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Sub Hunt (1982): A Deep Dive into Submarine Warfare

Released in 1982, Sub Hunt is a submarine simulation game that puts you in command of a group of four submarines. Your mission is to protect a stretch of sea from six convoys that are attempting to cross it.

Sub Hunt is played from a top-down perspective. You can use the arrow keys to move your submarines around the map, and the spacebar to fire torpedoes. You can also use the periscope to get a closer look at your targets.

One of the things that makes Sub Hunt so challenging is the fact that you can only control one submarine at a time. This means that you have to carefully manage your resources and make sure that you are always in the right position to intercept the convoys.

Another challenge in Sub Hunt is the fact that the convoys are constantly moving. This means that you have to be constantly adjusting your course and speed in order to stay on their tail.

Despite the challenges, Sub Hunt is a very rewarding game. There is a great sense of satisfaction in successfully completing a mission, and the game’s five difficulty levels ensure that there is something for everyone from casual gamers to hardcore sim fans.


The goal of Sub Hunt is to destroy all six convoys before they reach the other side of the map. Each convoy consists of three ships, and you must destroy all three ships in order to complete the mission.

You can fire torpedoes at the convoys from either a surface or submerged position. Torpedoes travel in a straight line, and you must carefully aim your shots in order to hit your targets.

You can also use the periscope to get a closer look at the convoys. The periscope view allows you to see the ships’ positions and headings, which can help you to better plan your attacks.

In addition to firing torpedoes, you can also use your submarines to ram the convoys’ ships. However, this is a risky maneuver, as your submarines can be damaged if they collide with a ship.


  • Arrow keys: Move your submarine
  • Spacebar: Fire torpedoes
  • P: Toggle periscope view
  • 1-4: Switch between submarines

Tips for Playing Sub Hunt

  • Use the periscope to your advantage. The periscope allows you to see the ships’ positions and headings, which can help you to better plan your attacks.
  • Be careful when firing torpedoes. Torpedoes travel in a straight line, so you must carefully aim your shots in order to hit your targets.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your submarines to ram the convoys’ ships. However, this is a risky maneuver, as your submarines can be damaged if they collide with a ship.
  • Manage your resources carefully. You have a limited number of torpedoes, so you must use them wisely.
  • Be patient. Sub Hunt is a challenging game, but it is also very rewarding. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed at first. Keep practicing and you will eventually master the game.


Sub Hunt is a classic submarine simulation game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. The game’s challenging gameplay, realistic graphics, and immersive sound effects make it a truly unique and unforgettable experience. If you are a fan of submarine games, then you owe it to yourself to check out Sub Hunt.

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