Swiss Family Robinson (1984)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Swiss Family Robinson (1984): A Nostalgic Adventure on a Desert Isle

Released in 1984 for the Commodore 64, Swiss Family Robinson is an adventure game based on the classic novel by Johann David Wyss. Players take on the role of the Robinson family, who are shipwrecked on a desert island and must learn to survive and thrive in their new environment.

The game begins with the Robinson family’s ship being caught in a fierce storm. The ship is destroyed, and the family is stranded on a remote island. With only the clothes on their backs and a few salvaged supplies, the Robinsons must quickly learn to adapt to their new surroundings.

Players must explore the island, gather resources, build shelter, and find food. The island is full of lush vegetation and exotic animals, but there are also dangers lurking in the shadows. Players must be wary of wild animals, poisonous plants, and the occasional pirate attack.

As the Robinsons explore the island, they will also encounter a variety of challenges and puzzles. They must find a way to cross a raging river, build a sturdy treehouse, and even construct a makeshift hot air balloon. With each challenge they overcome, the Robinsons will become more self-sufficient and resourceful.

One of the unique features of Swiss Family Robinson is its focus on family cooperation. Players must work together to survive on the island. Each member of the Robinson family has their own unique skills and abilities. For example, the father is a skilled hunter and builder, while the mother is a talented cook and healer. Players must learn to use each family member’s strengths to their advantage.

Swiss Family Robinson was a groundbreaking game for its time. It was one of the first games to feature a large, open-world environment that players could explore at their own pace. The game also featured a complex crafting system that allowed players to create a variety of items, from simple tools to elaborate machines.

Swiss Family Robinson was a critical and commercial success. It was praised for its innovative gameplay, beautiful graphics, and heartwarming story. The game has been ported to a variety of platforms over the years, and it remains a popular choice for retro gamers today.


Swiss Family Robinson is a point-and-click adventure game. Players use the mouse to interact with the environment and solve puzzles. The game’s world is divided into a series of screens, which players can explore by clicking on the edges of the screen.

Players can collect items, use items, and talk to other characters. The game’s inventory system is limited, so players must carefully choose which items to carry with them.

Swiss Family Robinson also features a number of action sequences. For example, players must use the keyboard to control the family’s raft as they navigate a treacherous river. Players must also use the keyboard to shoot pirates and other enemies.

Graphics and Sound

Swiss Family Robinson’s graphics are colorful and detailed. The game’s world is full of lush vegetation and exotic animals. The game’s character sprites are also well-animated.

The game’s sound effects are simple but effective. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore and the cries of the animals help to create a immersive atmosphere.


Swiss Family Robinson is a heartwarming story about a family who learns to overcome adversity and thrive in a challenging environment. The game’s story is faithful to the original novel, and it captures the spirit of adventure and family togetherness.


Swiss Family Robinson is a classic adventure game that has stood the test of time. The game’s innovative gameplay, beautiful graphics, and heartwarming story continue to entertain gamers today. Swiss Family Robinson is a must-play for fans of adventure games and retro gaming.

Tips for Playing Swiss Family Robinson

  • Explore the island thoroughly. There are many hidden items and secrets to discover.
  • Use each family member’s unique skills to your advantage.
  • Be patient. Some of the game’s puzzles can be challenging.
  • Don’t give up! The game’s ending is worth the effort.

Review Score


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