Tales of Symphonia Chronicles (2013)

by Ji-yeong
5 minutes read


Tales of Symphonia Chronicles: A Timeless Masterpiece


Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is a compilation release of two classic JRPGs, Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, remastered in stunning HD with additional content. Originally released in 2013 for the PlayStation 3, the Chronicles version is now available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.


Tales of Symphonia tells the story of Lloyd Irving, a young swordsman from the village of Iselia. Lloyd and his friends set out on a journey to restore the world’s mana, which is being drained by the tyrannical Desians. Along the way, they learn about the true nature of the world and the sacrifices that must be made to save it.

Dawn of the New World is a direct sequel to Symphonia, set two years after the original game. The story follows Emil Castagnier, a young man who discovers that he is the reincarnation of Lloyd Irving. Emil and his friends must travel to the Tower of Salvation to stop the return of the Desians and save the world once again.


Both Symphonia and Dawn of the New World feature the classic Tales of combat system, which is a real-time action RPG system with a focus on連携技 (rengeki), or連携技 (rengeki).連携技 are special attacks that can be performed by two or more characters working together. The Chronicles version of the games adds a number of new features to the combat system, including the ability to chain together multiple連携技 and the addition of new秘奥義 (hi-ougi), or秘奥義 (hi-ougi).

In addition to the main story, both games feature a number of side quests and minigames. Symphonia features a cooking system that allows players to create new dishes that can provide stat bonuses to the party. Dawn of the New World features a fishing minigame and a number of new optional bosses.

Graphics and Sound

The Chronicles version of Symphonia and Dawn of the New World features stunning HD graphics that bring the games to life. The character models are detailed and expressive, and the environments are lush and vibrant. The games also feature new orchestral arrangements of the original soundtracks, which are simply beautiful.

Additional Content

In addition to the remastered versions of Symphonia and Dawn of the New World, the Chronicles version of the games also includes a number of new additions, including:

  • Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack: This DLC pack adds a number of new features to Symphonia, including new costumes, new秘奥義 (hi-ougi), and a new playable character, Ratatosk.
  • Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World: Director’s Cut: This DLC pack adds a number of new features to Dawn of the New World, including a new playable character, Richter Abend, and a new ending.
  • Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3: This standalone game is included as a bonus in the Chronicles version of the games. Radiant Mythology 3 is a dungeon crawler that features characters from across the Tales of series.


Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is the definitive version of two classic JRPGs. The HD remasters are stunning, the new content is excellent, and the games are still just as fun and engaging as they were when they were first released. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the Tales of series or you’re new to the franchise, Tales of Symphonia Chronicles is a must-play.

Score: 9.0/10

Review Score



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