The Maw (2009)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


The Maw (2009): A Unique Puzzle Platformer with a Monstrous Twist

Released in 2009, The Maw is a puzzle platformer game developed by Swedish developer Twisted Pixel Games. The game follows the story of Frank, a young boy who befriends a giant, monstrous creature known as The Maw. Together, they must navigate a series of increasingly challenging levels, using The Maw’s unique abilities to overcome obstacles and solve puzzles.


The Maw is controlled via an electrical leash that Frank uses to keep him at his side. Players must guide The Maw in specific directions to clear obstacles and complete levels. The Maw also has the ability to eat objects and creatures, taking on some of the properties of the thing it eats, such as breathing fire, flying, or simply growing in size. Players then use The Maw’s increased abilities to navigate previously impossible sections of a level.

For example, early in the game, The Maw can eat a bird, gaining the ability to fly. This allows Frank and The Maw to reach new heights and access areas that were previously unreachable. Later, The Maw can eat a fish, gaining the ability to breathe underwater. This allows Frank and The Maw to explore underwater sections of the game world.

The Maw’s abilities are not always beneficial, however. Eating certain objects can have negative consequences. For example, eating a poisonous mushroom can cause The Maw to become sick, making it difficult to control. Players must carefully consider the pros and cons of eating different objects before doing so.


The story of The Maw is told through a series of short cutscenes and environmental storytelling. The game does not have any dialogue, but the story is still surprisingly effective and emotionally resonant.

Frank is a young boy who has been orphaned and left to fend for himself on the streets. One day, he meets The Maw, a giant, monstrous creature that is feared by all who see it. However, Frank is not afraid of The Maw. He sees something kind and gentle in its eyes.

Frank and The Maw quickly become friends, and together they set out on a journey to find a new home. Along the way, they must face many challenges, including dangerous enemies, treacherous terrain, and their own inner demons.

The Maw is a powerful creature, but it is also very vulnerable. Frank must protect The Maw from harm, and he must also help The Maw to control its destructive impulses. Together, they must learn to trust each other and work together if they want to survive.

Art Style

The Maw is a visually striking game with a unique and memorable art style. The game world is rendered in a dark and gritty comic book style, with bold lines and vibrant colors. The Maw itself is a particularly impressive creation, with its massive size and grotesque appearance.

The game’s art style is not for everyone. Some players may find it too dark and disturbing. However, there is no denying the game’s visual impact. The Maw is a truly unique and memorable game, and its art style is a big part of what makes it so.


The Maw’s soundtrack is composed by Jesper Kyd, who is known for his work on the Assassin’s Creed and Borderlands series. The soundtrack is a mix of ambient and electronic music, and it perfectly captures the game’s dark and atmospheric tone.

The music is used sparingly in the game, but it is always effective. The game’s opening scene, in which Frank and The Maw first meet, is particularly memorable for its use of music. The music swells as Frank and The Maw walk towards each other, and it creates a sense of wonder and anticipation.


The Maw received generally positive reviews from critics. The game was praised for its unique gameplay, its memorable art style, and its emotional story. However, some critics found the game to be too difficult and frustrating.

Despite the mixed reviews, The Maw has become a cult classic among puzzle platformer fans. The game’s unique gameplay and memorable characters have made it a favorite among those who have played it.


The Maw is a unique and memorable puzzle platformer that is sure to stay with you long after you finish playing it. The game’s challenging gameplay, stunning art style, and emotional story make it a must-play for fans of the genre.

Review Score



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