The Train Giant (2010)

by Christopher
4 minutes read


The Train Giant (2010): A Comprehensive Guide to Railroading Excellence

Released in 2010, The Train Giant is the latest installment in the A-Train series of railroad simulation games. Developed by Artdink and published by UIG Entertainment, The Train Giant offers players an immersive and comprehensive experience in the world of railroad management and city building.

Gameplay: Building Your Railroad Empire

The Train Giant places players in the role of a railroad tycoon tasked with building and managing a successful rail network. The game’s primary focus is on constructing and operating railroads, with players able to lay tracks, purchase trains, and set up schedules to transport passengers and cargo.

The game features a wide variety of trains to choose from, each with its own unique capabilities and characteristics. Players must carefully consider the type of train they use for each route, taking into account factors such as speed, capacity, and fuel efficiency.

In addition to managing trains, players must also build and maintain stations, depots, and other infrastructure to support their railroad network. They must also manage finances, research new technologies, and negotiate with other companies to ensure the profitability and growth of their empire.

City Building and Urban Development

One of the unique features of The Train Giant is its integration of city building elements. As players expand their railroad network, they can also invest in developing the cities and towns along their routes. This involves constructing residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, as well as providing essential services such as power and water.

By developing cities, players can increase the demand for rail transportation and generate additional revenue. The game’s dynamic economy simulates the relationship between transportation infrastructure and urban growth, creating a complex and rewarding gameplay experience.

Key Features of The Train Giant:

  • Extensive Railroad Management: Build and manage a vast railroad network, including tracks, trains, stations, and depots.
  • City Building and Urban Development: Develop cities and towns along your rail lines, providing essential services and stimulating economic growth.
  • Realistic Train Simulation: Operate a wide variety of trains with unique characteristics and capabilities.
  • Dynamic Economy: Manage finances, research new technologies, and negotiate with other companies to ensure the profitability of your railroad empire.
  • Immersive 3D Graphics: Experience the world of railroads in stunning 3D detail, with customizable camera angles and realistic weather effects.

Critical Reception and Legacy

Upon its release, The Train Giant received positive reviews from critics, who praised its detailed gameplay, immersive graphics, and innovative combination of railroad management and city building. The game was also a commercial success, selling over 1 million copies worldwide.

The Train Giant has been hailed as one of the most comprehensive and realistic railroad simulation games ever created. It has inspired a dedicated community of fans who continue to create mods and custom content to enhance the game’s experience.


The Train Giant is a must-play for fans of railroad simulation games and city builders alike. Its deep and engaging gameplay, stunning graphics, and innovative features make it a truly immersive and rewarding experience. Whether you’re a seasoned railroad tycoon or a newcomer to the genre, The Train Giant offers countless hours of entertainment and strategic challenge.

Review Score



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