The Typing of the Dead 2 (2007)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


The Typing of the Dead 2: A Typing-Based Zombie Shooter

The Typing of the Dead 2 is an arcade game (ported to Microsoft Windows) that was released in 2007. It is the sequel to The Typing of the Dead, and it is a revision of The House of the Dead III. The game has only been released in Japan and only for PC as of 2008.

The Typing of the Dead 2 is a light gun shooter game, but with a twist: players use the keyboard to shoot zombies instead of a gun. The game is an educational game, as it requires players to enhance their typing skills to be successful.

The plot of The Typing of the Dead 2 centers around the elimination of the zombie threat after society has collapsed. The player takes on the role of one of four survivors, each with their own unique abilities. The survivors must fight their way through hordes of zombies, using their typing skills to shoot them down.

The Typing of the Dead 2 is a challenging and rewarding game. It is a great way to improve your typing skills, and it is also a lot of fun. The game is suitable for people of all ages, and it is sure to get your heart racing.


The Typing of the Dead 2 is played from a first-person perspective. The player controls one of four survivors, each with their own unique abilities. The survivors must fight their way through hordes of zombies, using their typing skills to shoot them down.

The player’s keyboard is used to shoot the zombies. Each key corresponds to a different type of weapon. The player must type the correct key to shoot the corresponding weapon. The player can also use the keyboard to dodge and jump.

The game is divided into several levels. Each level has a different objective, such as reaching the end of the level or defeating a boss. The player must complete all of the levels in order to finish the game.


The Typing of the Dead 2 features four playable characters:

  • Agent G is a government agent who is tasked with investigating the zombie outbreak. He is a skilled typist and a proficient fighter.
  • Ranger is a park ranger who is trying to protect the people in his park from the zombies. He is a strong and experienced fighter.
  • Madam Roza is a nurse who is trying to help the sick and injured. She is a compassionate and caring person.
  • Swan is a young woman who is trying to find her family. She is a fast and agile fighter.


The Typing of the Dead 2 features a variety of weapons, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses. The player can use the following weapons to defeat the zombies:

  • Handgun – The handgun is a weak weapon, but it is accurate and has a fast rate of fire.
  • Shotgun – The shotgun is a powerful weapon, but it is inaccurate and has a slow rate of fire.
  • Machine gun – The machine gun is a powerful weapon with a high rate of fire, but it is inaccurate and has a long reload time.
  • Rocket launcher – The rocket launcher is a powerful weapon that can kill multiple zombies with a single shot, but it is slow to reload and has a limited amount of ammunition.


The Typing of the Dead 2 features a variety of enemies, each with its own unique abilities. The player must defeat the following enemies in order to complete the game:

  • Zombies – Zombies are the most common enemy in the game. They are slow and weak, but they can be deadly in large numbers.
  • Boss zombies – Boss zombies are larger and more powerful than regular zombies. They have unique abilities that can make them difficult to defeat.
  • Other enemies – The player will also encounter other enemies in the game, such as giant spiders, bats, and crows.


The Typing of the Dead 2 is a fun and challenging game that is sure to get your heart racing. It is a great way to improve your typing skills, and it is also a lot of fun. The game is suitable for people of all ages, and it is sure to provide hours of entertainment.

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