The Visitor (2016)

by Christopher
6 minutes read


The Visitor (2016): A VR Horror Experience That Will Make You Jump Out of Your Skin

The Visitor is a VR horror experience that will make you jump out of your skin. With its dark atmosphere, eerie sound design, and unexpected scares, this game will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

You play as a lone protagonist who is home alone one night when you hear a knock at the door. You open the door to find a strange visitor standing there. The visitor is tall and thin, with a pale face and piercing blue eyes. He doesn’t say anything, but simply stares at you with a cold, menacing expression.

You try to close the door, but the visitor stops you. He forces his way into your home and begins to stalk you through the house. You try to escape, but every time you turn around, he’s there, lurking in the shadows.

The Visitor is a masterclass in VR horror. The game’s atmosphere is incredibly immersive, and the sound design is top-notch. The scares are well-timed and effective, and the game’s minimalist visuals only add to the sense of dread.

One of the things that makes The Visitor so effective is its use of negative space. The game’s environments are often dark and empty, which creates a sense of isolation and vulnerability. You never know when or where the visitor will appear, which keeps you constantly on edge.

The Visitor is also a very personal horror experience. The game preys on your fears of the unknown and the unexpected. It forces you to confront your deepest fears, and it will leave you feeling shaken and unsettled long after you’ve finished playing.

If you’re a fan of VR horror, then you need to check out The Visitor. It’s one of the most immersive and terrifying VR experiences available, and it’s sure to leave you with a lasting impression.


The Visitor is a first-person horror game that is played from the perspective of the protagonist. The game is set in a single house, and the player must explore the house and find a way to escape from the visitor.

The game’s controls are simple and straightforward. The player can move around the house using the left analog stick, and they can interact with objects in the environment using the right analog stick. The player can also use the triggers to open doors and pick up objects.

The Visitor is a relatively short game, but it is packed with scares. The game’s atmosphere is incredibly immersive, and the sound design is top-notch. The scares are well-timed and effective, and the game’s minimalist visuals only add to the sense of dread.


The Visitor tells the story of a lone protagonist who is home alone one night when they hear a knock at the door. The protagonist opens the door to find a strange visitor standing there. The visitor is tall and thin, with a pale face and piercing blue eyes. He doesn’t say anything, but simply stares at the protagonist with a cold, menacing expression.

The protagonist tries to close the door, but the visitor stops them. He forces his way into the protagonist’s home and begins to stalk them through the house. The protagonist tries to escape, but every time they turn around, the visitor is there, lurking in the shadows.

The protagonist eventually realizes that the visitor is not human. He is a creature from another dimension, and he has come to Earth to claim the protagonist’s soul. The protagonist must find a way to defeat the visitor and escape from his clutches.


The Visitor’s graphics are minimalist and stylized. The game’s environments are dark and empty, which creates a sense of isolation and vulnerability. The character models are simple and blocky, but they are still effective in conveying the characters’ emotions and intentions.

The game’s use of lighting is particularly effective. The game’s environments are often lit by a single source of light, which creates a sense of dread and uncertainty. The shadows in the game are often filled with strange and unsettling shapes, which further adds to the game’s atmosphere of fear.

Sound Design

The Visitor’s sound design is top-notch. The game’s sound effects are realistic and immersive, and they help to create a sense of atmosphere and dread. The game’s music is also excellent. The music is dark and unsettling, and it perfectly complements the game’s visuals and gameplay.


The Visitor is a masterclass in VR horror. The game’s atmosphere is incredibly immersive, the sound design is top-notch, and the scares are well-timed and effective. The game’s minimalist visuals only add to the sense of dread, and the game’s story is sure to leave you feeling shaken and unsettled long after you’ve finished playing.

If you’re a fan of VR horror, then you need to check out The Visitor. It’s one of the most immersive and terrifying VR experiences available, and it’s sure to leave you with a lasting impression.

Review Score



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