Thumper (2016)

by Christopher
7 minutes read


Thumper: A Rhythm Violence Game That Will Leave You Breathless

Thumper is a rhythm violence game that strips rhythm gaming down to its core, combining classic rhythm-action with breakneck speed and brutal physicality. With one analog stick and one button, you control a space beetle while hurtling through stunning and treacherous worlds.

There’s no blood or gore, but you’ll feel the violence. Thumper is a game that demands your full attention and will leave you feeling exhilarated and exhausted.


Thumper’s gameplay is simple but challenging. You control a space beetle that moves forward automatically. Your goal is to stay on the track and hit the notes in time with the music. The notes come in different shapes and colors, and each one requires a different input.

For example, red notes require you to press the button, while blue notes require you to tilt the analog stick. The notes come at you at a relentless pace, and the track often changes direction, so you need to be quick on your feet (or, rather, your thumbs).

If you hit a note perfectly, you’ll get a boost of speed. If you miss a note, you’ll slow down. If you miss too many notes, you’ll crash and have to start the level over.


Thumper features nine levels, each with its own unique look and feel. The levels are procedurally generated, so they’re always different each time you play.

The levels are also increasingly difficult. The first few levels are relatively easy to get through, but the later levels are brutally challenging. You’ll need to be able to hit the notes perfectly and react quickly to the changing track in order to survive.


The music in Thumper is a key part of the experience. The electronic soundtrack is intense and driving, and it perfectly complements the fast-paced gameplay. The music also changes dynamically based on your performance. If you’re hitting the notes perfectly, the music will become more intense. If you’re struggling, the music will slow down and become more ambient.

Art Style

The art style in Thumper is dark and foreboding. The levels are filled with sharp angles and pulsating lights. The space beetle is a sleek and menacing creature. The overall effect is one of unease and dread.


Thumper is a unique and challenging rhythm game that will push your skills to the limit. It’s a game that demands your full attention and will leave you feeling exhilarated and exhausted. If you’re looking for a truly immersive and challenging experience, then Thumper is definitely worth checking out.

Tips for Playing Thumper

  • Use headphones. The music in Thumper is an essential part of the experience, so it’s important to use headphones to get the full effect.
  • Start with the easy levels. The first few levels of Thumper are relatively easy to get through, so it’s a good idea to start with these levels to get a feel for the game.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail. Thumper is a challenging game, and you’re going to crash a lot. Don’t get discouraged, just keep trying.
  • Practice makes perfect. The best way to get better at Thumper is to practice. The more you play, the better you’ll become at hitting the notes and reacting to the changing track.
  • Take breaks. Thumper is an intense game, so it’s important to take breaks to avoid getting burnt out. Get up and move around every 30 minutes or so to keep your mind and body fresh.

Review Score



Cover Art


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