Time Zone (1982)

by Christopher
7 minutes read


Time Zone (1982): A Timeless Adventure

Time Zone is a groundbreaking adventure game released in 1982 by Adventure International. It was one of the first games to feature time travel as a central gameplay mechanic, and it remains one of the most ambitious and innovative adventure games ever made.

In Time Zone, you play as a time traveler who has been sent back to the past to prevent a catastrophic event from happening. You must travel to different time periods and meet historical figures in order to gather information and complete puzzles.

The game’s time travel mechanic is incredibly well-implemented. You can travel to any time period you want, and you can even visit the same time period multiple times. This gives you a lot of freedom to explore the game world and find your own way to solve the puzzles.

The historical figures you meet in Time Zone are all well-researched and believable. They each have their own unique personalities and motivations, and they can help you in a variety of ways. For example, Robin Hood can teach you how to use a bow and arrow, while Christopher Columbus can give you information about the New World.

The puzzles in Time Zone are challenging but fair. They require you to use your intelligence and creativity to solve them. There are no impossible puzzles, and there is always a logical solution.

The graphics in Time Zone are simple but effective. The game world is rendered in a top-down perspective, and the characters are represented by small sprites. The graphics are not particularly impressive by today’s standards, but they are still charming and effective.

The sound in Time Zone is also simple but effective. The game features a catchy title screen theme and a few other short tunes. The sound effects are minimal, but they do a good job of adding to the atmosphere of the game.

Overall, Time Zone is a classic adventure game that is still worth playing today. It is a challenging and rewarding game with a unique and innovative time travel mechanic. If you are a fan of adventure games, then you owe it to yourself to check out Time Zone.


Time Zone is played from a top-down perspective. You control your character with the arrow keys or the joystick. You can interact with objects in the game world by pressing the space bar.

The game’s time travel mechanic is very simple to use. You simply press the “T” key to open the time travel menu. From there, you can select any time period you want to visit. You can also visit the same time period multiple times.

When you travel to a new time period, you will appear in a random location. You can then explore the area and talk to the people you meet. To talk to someone, simply press the space bar when you are standing next to them.

The people you meet in Time Zone can give you information, help you solve puzzles, or even join your party. Each person has their own unique personality and motivations, so it is important to talk to everyone you meet.

The puzzles in Time Zone are challenging but fair. They require you to use your intelligence and creativity to solve them. There are no impossible puzzles, and there is always a logical solution.


The story of Time Zone is simple but effective. You play as a time traveler who has been sent back to the past to prevent a catastrophic event from happening. You must travel to different time periods and meet historical figures in order to gather information and complete puzzles.

The ultimate goal of the game is to prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. If you fail, then the future of the world will be forever changed.


Time Zone is set in a variety of different time periods, including the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the American Civil War. Each time period has its own unique look and feel, and you will meet different historical figures in each period.

The game world is vast and varied. You will explore forests, castles, cities, and even the deck of a pirate ship. There is always something new to see and do in Time Zone.


You will meet a variety of different characters in Time Zone, including historical figures, fictional characters, and even some animals. Each character has their own unique personality and motivations, and they can help you in a variety of ways.

Some of the historical figures you will meet include Robin Hood, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, and Abraham Lincoln. Each of these figures is well-researched and believable, and they can provide you with valuable information and assistance.


Time Zone is a classic adventure game that is still worth playing today. It is a challenging and rewarding game with a unique and innovative time travel mechanic. If you are a fan of adventure games, then you owe it to yourself to check out Time Zone.

Time Zone has been praised for its innovative gameplay, its well-researched historical setting, and its challenging puzzles. It has been included in several lists of the greatest adventure games of all time.

Time Zone was also one of the first games to feature a female protagonist. The player character can be either male or female, and the game does not treat the female character any differently than the male character. This was a groundbreaking decision at the time, and it helped to pave the way for more female protagonists in video games.

Time Zone is a timeless classic that is still enjoyed by gamers today. It is a challenging and rewarding game with a unique and innovative time travel mechanic. If you are a fan of adventure games, then you owe it to yourself to check out Time Zone.

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