Tom vs. The Armies of Hell (2015)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Tom vs. The Armies of Hell: A Triumphant Tale of Office Woes and Demonic Foes


In the annals of video gaming, few titles have managed to blend the mundane with the extraordinary as deftly as Tom vs. The Armies of Hell (AoH). Released in 2015 by Darkmire Entertainment, this indie action-adventure gem casts players as Tom, a downtrodden software engineer whose life takes a decidedly infernal turn when an experiment gone awry in the basement government lab sends his entire office complex plummeting into the depths of Hell.

Gameplay: From Cubicle to Combat

At its core, AoH is a challenging and rewarding action-adventure that plays out from a top-down perspective. Players control Tom as he explores the demon-infested office complex, solving puzzles, collecting power-ups, and battling a variety of grotesque enemies.

What sets AoH apart from other games in the genre is its unique blend of office humor and demonic horror. Tom’s arsenal of weapons includes everyday office supplies such as staplers, coffee mugs, and even the occasional cubicle wall. As he progresses through the game, he also gains access to unholy powers that allow him to summon demonic minions and unleash devastating attacks.

The result is a gameplay experience that is both hilarious and harrowing. Players will find themselves chuckling at the game’s witty dialogue and over-the-top gore, while simultaneously being challenged by its demanding combat and clever puzzles.

Story: The Reluctant Hero

Tom is not your typical video game protagonist. He’s not a grizzled space marine or a legendary warrior. He’s just an ordinary guy who happens to be really good at his job. When his office is suddenly transported to Hell, Tom is understandably reluctant to embrace his newfound status as a demon-slaying hero.

However, as he witnesses the horrors that the demons have unleashed upon his former colleagues, Tom’s resolve begins to harden. He realizes that he is the only one who can stand against the armies of Hell and save the day.

AoH’s story is surprisingly well-written, with memorable characters and a plot that keeps players engaged from beginning to end. The game’s dark humor and over-the-top action are perfectly balanced by moments of genuine pathos and heroism.

Visuals and Sound: A Demonic Masterpiece

AoH’s visuals are a perfect blend of retro and modern aesthetics. The game’s pixelated graphics are reminiscent of classic 16-bit titles, but they are also rendered with a level of detail and polish that is simply stunning. The game’s environments are varied and atmospheric, from the demon-infested office complex to the fiery depths of Hell itself.

The game’s sound design is equally impressive. The soundtrack is a mix of heavy metal and electronic music that perfectly captures the game’s frantic and chaotic atmosphere. The voice acting is also top-notch, with each character delivering their lines with conviction and humor.


Tom vs. The Armies of Hell is a triumph of indie game development. It is a game that is both hilarious and harrowing, challenging and rewarding. With its unique blend of office humor, demonic horror, and top-down action, AoH is a must-play for fans of the genre.

Review Score: 8.5/10

Review Score



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