Wayout (1982)

by Christopher
5 minutes read


Wayout (1982): A Maze-ing Classic

Wayout is a 3-D action game released in 1982 for the Atari 2600. The player controls a character who must navigate through 26 different mazes, avoiding enemies and finding the exit. Wayout was one of the first 3-D games released for a home console, and it remains a challenging and addictive classic today.


Wayout is played from a first-person perspective. The player character is represented by a small dot on the screen, and the mazes are rendered in simple 3-D graphics. The player must use the joystick to move the character around the maze, and the fire button to shoot enemies.

The mazes in Wayout are randomly generated, so each playthrough is different. The mazes are also quite challenging, and the player must use their problem-solving skills to find the exit.


There are three types of enemies in Wayout:

  • Grues: Grues are small, green creatures that move slowly and erratically. They can be easily avoided, but they can also be quite deadly if they corner the player.
  • Phantoms: Phantoms are large, purple creatures that move quickly and erratically. They are more difficult to avoid than grues, and they can also shoot projectiles.
  • Bats: Bats are small, black creatures that fly around the mazes. They are not as dangerous as grues or phantoms, but they can be annoying and they can also block the player’s path.


There are three types of power-ups in Wayout:

  • Speed: The speed power-up increases the player’s movement speed. This can be helpful for avoiding enemies and navigating the mazes more quickly.
  • Invisibility: The invisibility power-up makes the player invisible to enemies. This can be helpful for sneaking past enemies or getting the drop on them.
  • Invulnerability: The invulnerability power-up makes the player invincible to enemy attacks. This can be helpful for taking on multiple enemies at once or for exploring dangerous areas of the mazes.


Wayout was a critical and commercial success upon its release. It was praised for its innovative gameplay, challenging mazes, and addictive action. Wayout has been ported to a number of different platforms over the years, and it remains a popular game today.

Wayout is considered to be one of the most important early 3-D games. It helped to pave the way for future 3-D games, and it remains a classic example of the genre.

Tips for Playing Wayout

Here are a few tips for playing Wayout:

  • Be patient. Wayout is a challenging game, and it takes time to learn the mazes and the enemy patterns. Don’t get discouraged if you get lost or killed a few times. Just keep practicing and you’ll eventually get the hang of it.
  • Use the power-ups wisely. The power-ups in Wayout can be very helpful, but they’re also rare. Use them sparingly, and only when you really need them.
  • Don’t be afraid to explore. The mazes in Wayout are randomly generated, so there’s no one right way to navigate them. Experiment with different routes and see what works best for you.
  • Have fun! Wayout is a challenging game, but it’s also a lot of fun. So relax, enjoy yourself, and see how far you can get.


Wayout is a classic maze game that is still fun and challenging today. With its innovative gameplay, challenging mazes, and addictive action, Wayout is a must-play for any fan of retro gaming.

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