Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid (1992)

by Nish
6 minutes read


Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid: A Prehistoric Arcade Adventure

Released in 1992, Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid is an arcade game that combines the excitement of dinosaur-blasting action with the challenge of time travel. Players take on the role of Dexter the Dinodroid, a wise-cracking robot dinosaur who has escaped from the clutches of the evil Harry the Harrier and his alien Brain Blobs. Dexter’s mission is to travel back in time and stop the Brain Blobs from taking control of innocent dinosaurs and using them to destroy unsuspecting humans.


Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid is a side-scrolling shooter game. Players control Dexter as he travels through different prehistoric eras, blasting away at zombie dinosaurs and collecting power-ups. Dexter can shoot in eight directions, and he can also use a variety of special weapons, such as bombs, lasers, and homing missiles.

The game is divided into six levels, each of which takes place in a different prehistoric era. The levels are:

  • The Jurassic Jungle
  • The Cretaceous Forest
  • The Triassic Desert
  • The Permian Swamp
  • The Carboniferous Forest
  • The Devonian Sea

Each level is filled with a variety of zombie dinosaurs, as well as other hazards, such as pits, spikes, and lava. Dexter must use all of his skills and weapons to survive and complete his mission.

Time Travel

One of the unique features of Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid is its time travel mechanic. Dexter can use the Time Machine to travel back to any of the six prehistoric eras. This allows him to revisit levels and collect power-ups that he may have missed. It also allows him to skip levels if he is stuck.

The Time Machine is a valuable tool, but it also has its risks. If Dexter uses the Time Machine too often, he can become lost in time. He can also end up in the wrong era, which can be dangerous.


There are a variety of power-ups that Dexter can collect throughout the game. These power-ups can give him a variety of advantages, such as increased firepower, speed, and invincibility. Some of the power-ups include:

  • The Super Shot – Increases Dexter’s firepower.
  • The Speed Boost – Increases Dexter’s speed.
  • The Invincibility Star – Makes Dexter invincible for a short period of time.
  • The Time Warp – Slows down time for a short period of time.
  • The Extra Life – Gives Dexter an extra life.


Dexter will face a variety of enemies in Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid, including:

  • Zombie Dinosaurs – The main enemies in the game. They are slow and笨拙, but they can be deadly in large numbers.
  • Brain Blobs – Alien parasites that control the zombie dinosaurs. They are small and fast, and they can be difficult to hit.
  • Pterodactyls – Flying dinosaurs that can swoop down and attack Dexter.
  • Triceratops – Large, horned dinosaurs that can charge at Dexter.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex – The king of the dinosaurs. He is large, powerful, and deadly.


At the end of each level, Dexter must face a boss enemy. The bosses are large and powerful, and they require a different strategy to defeat. Some of the bosses include:

  • Harry the Harrier – The evil alien who is controlling the zombie dinosaurs.
  • The Giant Brain Blob – A巨大Brain Blob that is the source of all the zombie dinosaurs.
  • The Time Monster – A巨大monster that guards the Time Machine.


Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid was a popular arcade game in the early 1990s. It was praised for its innovative gameplay, its charming graphics, and its catchy music. The game has since been ported to a variety of home consoles, and it remains popular with retro gaming enthusiasts today.

Zombie Dinos From Planet Zeltoid is a classic arcade game that is still enjoyed by gamers today. Its unique gameplay, charming graphics, and catchy music make it a must-play for fans of retro gaming.

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